Commuter Rail Extension Alternatives Analysis - Transportation ...

Commuter Rail Extension Alternatives Analysis - Transportation ...

Commuter Rail Extension Alternatives Analysis - Transportation ...


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CALTRAIN EXTENSION TO MONTEREY COUNTYALTERNATIVES ANALYSISDETAILED EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVESThe <strong>Alternatives</strong> <strong>Analysis</strong> study prepared a detailed evaluation of how well each alternative/alignmentoption can meet the goals and objectives established for the project:• Improve mobility• Improve the environment• Optimize transit operating efficiencies• Provide a cost-effective solution• Support local land use plans and respond to growthThe evaluation methodology was designed to ensure that both local priorities and Federal TransitAdministration criteria are met. Table 9-3 shows some of the key results of the evaluation. Theseresults compare the Caltrain <strong>Extension</strong> Alternative and the Express Bus Alternative for the selectedevaluation criteria, including cost and various user benefits. The benefits monetized in Table 3 areexpressed as positive dollars, while costs are expressed as (negative) dollars. Table 9-3demonstrates that the benefits of the Caltrain <strong>Extension</strong> Alternative exceed the benefits of theExpress Bus Alternative in both 2010 and 2030.Table 9-3Summary of Caltrain <strong>Extension</strong> and Express Bus Alternative Benefits2010 2030Benefit Type Caltrain Express Bus Caltrain Express BusUser BenefitsIn-vehicle travel time (Method 3) $ 252,032 $ 252,032 $ 6,985,931 $ 4,160,454Fuel costs 4,499,622 4,499,622 8,631,039 8,631,039Non-fuel operating savings 1,925,316 1,925,316 3,693,083 3,693,083Transit user fees (3,310,612) (3,310,612) (6,320,790) (6,320,790)Internal accident costs or savings—Highway 3,144,040 3,144,040 6,027,934 6,027,934Transit (150,545) (893,907) (304,004) (1,698,612)Revenue Transfers (fuel taxes) (893,915) (893,915) (1,714,681) (1,714,681)Reduction in External CostsEmissions 14,361 (105,368) (136,415) (381,210)Highway accidents 554,830 554,830 1,063,753 1,063,753Transit accidents (14,406) (148,306) (28,744) (284,432)Net Public Operating Costs (1,175,068) (5,256,095) (2,393,619) (10,812,623)Total $4,845,655 ($232,363) $15,503,487 $2,363,915The evaluation of the Caltrain <strong>Extension</strong> and Express Bus alternatives assumed equal ridership forboth the commuter rail and express bus modes. For this reason, most of the user benefits identifiedabove are equal between the Caltrain and Express bus options. By the Year 2030, in-vehicle traveltime for the Express Bus Alternative will be longer due to increased roadway congestion; however, forthe most part benefits are the same or similar between the two modal options. One significantdifference is “Net Public Operating Costs,” which is the difference between total operations and maintenanceexpense and fare revenues (transit user fees) paid to ride the service. Operation of a largebus fleet with limited seating capacity between Monterey County and San Francisco Peninsulastations is far more expensive than the incremental cost of extending Caltrain service 37 miles fromGilroy to Salinas.parsons CHAPTER 9: SUMMARY 224

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