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So what actually it does is to make a more robust microbe that can be used industrially to get yieldsand titres that are very important. Now, we have achieved titres in certain types of compounds to about25g plus, which is very very important because if you don’t achieve those yields, commercially this isjust academic, you don’t have to do anything but just talk about it.The third and most important point is we can also build routes that take us to something absolutelynew. If you don’t see something novel, if you haven’t seen it in nature, you could also build it, in thesense that you could also make compounds that are not present. Now I believe is very important for afew types of functions, like if you wanted to look for an antimicrobial, because a lot of our antibioticsare almost gone, for UV protection, cancer and so on.And the most important thing is after the genome sequencing, you could have multiple targets thatneeds validation. And you could also end up making drug like molecules that are part of this biologyhere.The next one is the key. We have built this pathway,just for your information, and we have this pathwaybeing sort of, I mean the products, being evaluatedby one of the largest flavour houses, and I’m suresomebody must be sitting here, so that’s alreadybeing looked at. And if you see here, basically yeastcan make up to this blue, so you see the captionhere, so yeast is anyway going to make thiscompound. So what we are actually telling yeast is,yeast we are going to give you two other genes here,so when you start making glucose, when we pushthese two genes here, yeast can you make vanillin.And that’s basically what it does. So the yeast now,can, instead of making alcohol, starts makingvanillin.!"#$"%&'(#)(*+,%(-&.%,+(*%$&!"#$%#&'()*+(,-")+()-(.&+(/0-%"1)(2(3+)4(5-"(6-(.)*+0(/0-%"1)4(Now, once you do that, synthetic biology then opens up something very new. In the sense that onceyeast starts making vanillin, the same yeast can be asked to start making other compounds in otherareas of application. They do not really have to be in the same place. For example, if this is the majorcrossroad, and if you are able to put the genes that are responsible for making lets say anthocyanin,which is a colour, you can make the yeast do that.3$"1-4+(7+*8%0-24*#9#:;)+(/0-)-1;)+1*"#1(;1#%(/0-)-1;);&#$$#&((/+%0,&1+,%2#$*,+&3%4*$$%&5$%"#(0&6+$+7,+8&9,:+(&'(#8;7,0&&!"#$"%&'(#)(*+,%(-&.%,+(*%$&!"#$%#&'()*+(,-")+()-(.&+(/0-%"1)(2(3+)4(5-"(6-(.)*+0(/0-%"1)4(;&)*-1#&+(3$"1-4+(?+*

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