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• exposure and risk assessment• dossier completion in the prescribed IUCLID format• administration and management.Time spent by active members for the Technical Committee and the consortium coordination isrecorded and at the end reimbursed by the membership as a whole. The consortium can generate someincome by providing against a fair fee Letters of Access to generated new data and their lead dossiersto companies external to the consortium.As an additional benefit to its members the consortia organize support for the preparation of the coregistrantsdossiers.CONCLUSIONSIn 2008 EFEO developed a REACH RoadMap to facilitate the registration of NCSsin three phases by its members and otherinterested parties. EFEO’s NCS-portfoliofor REACH registration covers about 150NCSs and is based on a survey of 2005.This portfolio was divided in about 20NCS-groups of structurally similarconstituents with the aim to organise pergroup consortia of companies, who jointlyprepare the registrations. In the programEFEO functions as facilitator to organisethese consortia in three phases aligned withthe phase-in scheme of REACH. In phase-1 (2008) four consortia for 12 NCSs werecreated, followed in phase-2 (2010) bynine consortia covering 90 NCSs.1. Review Company REACH Needs against EFEOREACH portfolio2. Reply to EFEO with additional NCSs (Dec. 1)3. Join Phase-2 Consortia as late member4. Plan and Organise Resources5. Consider Active Role for Company Key NCSsJoin early to get overthe REACH mountain<strong>IFEAT</strong> INTERNATIONAL <strong>CONFERENCE</strong>, Singapore, November, 2012, Dr. Hans van Bergen 20EFEO has now started with the preparation of phase-3, which shall cover the remaining part of theportfolio for REACH registration. The first step is a survey among members and other interestedparties to update the portfolio dating from 2005. Coverage of phase-3 should reflect the currentsituation of companies and be as complete as possible because it will be the last opportunity to preparejointly NCS registrations in EFEO initiated consortia. On the occasion of <strong>IFEAT</strong>’s Singaporeconference EFEO invites all companies with an interest in NCSs for the European market(manufacturers and importers) to review their REACH needs and compare it with EFEO’s NCSportfolioas distributed with circular letter no. 14 of September 24, 2012. Until December 15 of thisyear companies can report additions to the current NCS-portfolio to EFEO as explained in theletter. These additions will be included in the preparation for phase-3, for which consortiaformation will be initiated in the course of 2013. The survey reply form can also be used to indicatethe interest to join existing consortia as a late member.The first two phases of the NCS REACH program are moving forward so that REACH legal deadlinesare met. After a learning process the phase-1 consortia submitted in time the four dossiers, which weredue by the 2010 deadline. Three more dossiers are due by the 2013 deadline, for which the preparation245

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