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(b) Sambac(b)SambacJasminum sambac (Oleaceae), known as Gundumalli in thelocal language, Tamil, is another extract of the Jasminefamily produced in India. Although relatively new to theinternational market, this is the preferred Jasmine species inthe Indian market. Sambac is cultivated throughout thepeninsular Indian and to a smaller extent in the Gangeticplains. However most of the cultivation (Fig. 10) and all theextraction is undertaken in the state of Tamilnadu.Jasminum sambac (Oleaceae), known as Gundumalli in the local language, Tamil, is anotherextract of the Jasmine family produced in India. Although relatively new to the internationalmarket, this is the preferred Jasmine species in the Indian market. Sambac is cultivatedthroughout the peninsular Indian and to a smaller extent in the Gangetic plains. However mostof the cultivation (Fig. 10) and all the extraction happens in the state of Tamilnadu.The season lasts from March to October but theflowering is in flushes. The plant has a productivelife from the 3rd to the 8th year and can also yieldabout 5 tonnes of flowers per hectare per year. Theconcrete yield from flowers is between 0.12% and0.13%.Fig. 10: Areas of Sambac of Sambac cultivation cultivationThe seasonfor extraction forlasts from March to October but the flowering is in flushes. The plant has aproductive life from the 3 rd to the 8 th year and can also yield about 5 tonnes of flowers perextractionhectare per year. The concrete yield from flowers is between 0.12% and 0.13%.While there has been anincreasing demand for thisproduct in the internationalmarket, last year’s spike inproduction (Fig. 11) was moredue to competitive demand bythe supply chain for buildingstocks. The current annualdemand is believed to bearound 3,000 kg. While Indiais the primary origin, China isanother source for thisproduct.!"#$%&%'()*+,(&"##&###%"##%###!"##!###'"##'###"###&###$!"##$!%##$!###$ !###$!##( !##) !##* !#'# !#''-.#/(Fig. 11: Fig. Sambac 11: Sambac concrete concrete production trendWhile there has been an increasing demand for this product in the international market, lastin production (Fig. 11) was more due to competitive demand by the supply chainfor building stocks. The current annual demand is believed to be around 3,000 kg. WhileIndia is the primary origin, China is another source for this product.57

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