Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...


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88 P. Mhaskar, N.H. El-Farra, <strong>and</strong> P.D. Christ<strong>of</strong>ideswhere x(t) ∈ IR n denotes the vector <strong>of</strong> continuous-time state variables, u σ (t) =[u 1 σ (t) ···um σ (t)]T ∈U σ ⊂ IR m denotes the vector <strong>of</strong> constrained manipulatedinputs taking values in a nonempty compact convex set U σ := {u σ ∈ IR m :‖u σ ‖≤u maxσ }, where‖·‖is the Euclidian norm, u maxσ > 0 is the magnitude <strong>of</strong>the constraints, σ :[0, ∞) →Kis the switching signal which is assumed to bea piecewise continuous (from the right) function <strong>of</strong> time, i.e., σ(t k ) = lim σ(t)t→t + kfor all k, implying that only a finite number <strong>of</strong> switches is allowed on any finiteinterval <strong>of</strong> time. p is the number <strong>of</strong> modes <strong>of</strong> the switched system, σ(t), whichtakes different values in the finite index set K, represents a discrete state thatindexes the vector field f(·), the matrix g(·), <strong>and</strong> the control input u(·), whichaltogether determine ẋ.Consider the nonlinear switched system <strong>of</strong> Eq.21, with a prescribed switchingsequence (including the switching times) defined by T k,in = {t k in1,t k in2,...} <strong>and</strong>T k,out = {t k out,t 1 k out,...}. Also, assume that for each mode <strong>of</strong> the switched2system, a Lyapunov–based predictive controller <strong>of</strong> the form <strong>of</strong> Eqs.16-20 has beendesigned <strong>and</strong> an estimate <strong>of</strong> the stability region generated. The control problemis formulated as the one <strong>of</strong> designing a Lyapunov-based predictive controller thatguides the closed–loop system trajectory in a way that the schedule described bythe switching times is followed <strong>and</strong> stability <strong>of</strong> the closed–loop system is achieved.The main idea (formalized in Theorem 2 below) is to design a Lyapunov–basedpredictive controller for each constituent mode in which the switched systemoperates, <strong>and</strong> incorporate constraints in the predictive controller design whichupon satisfaction ensure that the prescribed transitions between the modes occurin a way that guarantees stability <strong>of</strong> the switched closed–loop system.Theorem 2. Consider the constrained nonlinear system <strong>of</strong> Eq.10, the controlLyapunov functions V k , k =1, ··· ,p, <strong>and</strong> the stability region estimates Ω k , k =1, ··· ,p under continuous implementation <strong>of</strong> the bounded controller <strong>of</strong> Eqs.5-6with fixed ρ k > 0, k =1, ··· ,p.Let0

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