Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...


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270 J.M. Maciejowski, A. Lecchini Visintini, <strong>and</strong> J. Lygeros3. Constraints are respected in the sense that the probability <strong>of</strong> constraintviolations is kept below some user-defined threshold. This threshold can bearbitrarily small (at the expense <strong>of</strong> computational complexity) but hardconstraints are not enforced, strictly speaking.4. Computational complexity is very high, so that the time required to finda solution at each step may be <strong>of</strong> the order <strong>of</strong> several hours. In section 6we shall identify some applications for which this is not a problem. Theseapplications arise in diverse areas such as batch process control, financialinvestment policy, <strong>and</strong> environment management.Our method relies on stochastic optimisation. It makes use <strong>of</strong> a Monte CarloMarkov Chain technique for optimal decision-taking which was pioneered byMüller [16] <strong>and</strong> rediscovered independently by Doucet et al [8]. Our contributionto the method is a way <strong>of</strong> incorporating constraints into the problem formulation,which is presented in section 3. There is no requirement for convexity <strong>of</strong> theobjective function, convergence (in probability) resulting from the very mildconditions that are required for the convergence <strong>of</strong> a homogeneous Markov chain.The technical details <strong>of</strong> the method are given in section 4.Kouvaritakis et al. have previously proposed a stochastic MPC formulationfor solving a problem in the area <strong>of</strong> sustainable development policy [12]. Theirmethod involves the solution <strong>of</strong> a convex optimisation problem, with constraintsin the form <strong>of</strong> thresholds for the probabilities <strong>of</strong> obtaining certain outcomes — asin our approach. The convexity requirement imposes limitations on the model,objective function, <strong>and</strong> constraints. Our approach is free <strong>of</strong> these limitations,but at the expense <strong>of</strong> greater computational complexity.2 Maximising Expected Utility or PerformanceThe notion <strong>of</strong> rational decision-making under uncertainty as the maximisation<strong>of</strong> the statistical expectation <strong>of</strong> a utility function has a long history, dating backto Bernoulli [4] <strong>and</strong> Bentham [3]. Although it has gone into <strong>and</strong> out <strong>of</strong> fashionas a foundational axiom for economics, its place has been firmly establishedsince its use (<strong>and</strong> formalisation) by von Neumann <strong>and</strong> Morgenstern in GameTheory [21], <strong>and</strong> extended to other applications <strong>of</strong> decision theory by variousauthors [1, 11, 18, 20].Suppose that a set <strong>of</strong> possible decisions Ω is given, from which one decisionω ∈ Ω must be chosen. For each such ω, let the outcome be a r<strong>and</strong>om variableX, <strong>and</strong> let its probability distribution be P ω (x). Suppose that to each decisionoutcomepair (ω, x) we can attach a real-valued utility function u(ω, x), suchthat the pair (ω 1 ,x 1 ) is preferred to the pair (ω 2 ,x 2 )ifu(ω 1 ,x 1 ) >u(ω 2 ,x 2 ).Then the principle <strong>of</strong> maximising expected utility states that one should choosethe decision optimally as follows:∫ω ∗ =argmaxωE Xu(ω, x) = arg maxωu(ω, x)dP ω (x) (1)In familiar finite-horizon LQG control theory, the utility is the negative cost

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