Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...


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Towards the Design <strong>of</strong> Parametric <strong>Model</strong> <strong>Predictive</strong> Controllers 201to obtain the optimal pr<strong>of</strong>iles <strong>of</strong> ˆξ(t k ,x 0 ), λ(t, tˆk ,x 0 ), ˆx(t, t k ,x 0 ), ˆµ(t, t k ,x 0 )<strong>and</strong>û(t, t k ,x 0 ). The vector t k (x 0 ) is calculated in the step 4 by solving symbolicallythe non-linear, algebraic equalities <strong>of</strong> the Jump conditions (28), (30) <strong>and</strong> (32). Instep 5 the optimal parametric control pr<strong>of</strong>ile is obtained by substituting t k (x 0 )into û(t, t k ,x 0 ). Finally the critical region in which the optimal control pr<strong>of</strong>ile isvalid, is calculated in step 6, following the procedure which will be described inthe following. The algorithm then repeats the procedure until the whole initialregion CR IR is covered.A critical region CR in which the optimal control pr<strong>of</strong>iles are valid, is theregion <strong>of</strong> initial conditions x 0 where the active <strong>and</strong> inactive constraints, obtainedin step 2 <strong>of</strong> algorithm 3.1, remain unaltered ([20]). Define the set <strong>of</strong> inactiveconstraints ğ , the active constraints ˜g <strong>and</strong> ˜ˆµ > 0 the Lagrange multipliersassociated with the active constraints ˜g; obviously the Lagrange multipliers µassociated with the inactive constraints are 0. The critical region CR is thenidentified by the following set <strong>of</strong> inequalitiesCR {x 0 ∈ R n | ğ(ˆx(t, t k (x 0 ),x 0 ), û(t, t k (x 0 ),x 0 )) < 0 , ˜ˆµ(t, t k (x 0 ),x 0 ) > 0˜ν(t, t k (x 0 ),x 0 ) > 0} (33)In order to characterize CR one has to obtain the boundaries <strong>of</strong> the set describedby inequalities (33). These boundaries obviously are obtained when each <strong>of</strong> thelinear inequalities in (33) is critically satisfied. This can be achieved by solvingthe following parametric programming problems, where time t is the variable<strong>and</strong> x 0 is the parameter.• Take first the inactive constraints through the complete time horizon <strong>and</strong>derive the following parametric expressions:Ğ i (x 0 )=max{ğ i (ˆx(t, t k (x 0 ),x 0 ), û(t, t k (x 0 ),x 0 ))|t ∈ [t 0 ,t f ]}, i=1,...,˘qt(34)where ˘q is the number <strong>of</strong> inactive constraints.• Take the path constraints that have at least one constrained arc [t i,˜kt,t i,˜kx]<strong>and</strong> obtain the following parametric expression˜G i (x 0 )=max{˜g i (ˆx(t, t k (x 0 ),x 0 ),û(t, t k (x 0 ),x 0 ))|t∈ [t 0 ,t f ]}∧{t∉[tti,˜kt,t i,˜kx]]}(35)k =1, 2,...,n i,˜kt,i=1, 2,...,˜qwhere n i,˜ktis the total number <strong>of</strong> entry points associated with the ith activeconstraint <strong>and</strong> ˜q is the number <strong>of</strong> active constraints.• Finally, take the multipliers <strong>of</strong> the active constraints <strong>and</strong> obtain the followingparametric expressions˘µ(x 0 )=mint{˜ˆµ(t, t k (x 0 ),x 0 )|t = t i,kt =t i,kx ,k =1, 2,...,n i,kt },i=1, 2,...,˜q(36)

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