Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...


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210 A.G. Wills <strong>and</strong> W.P. Heathto the point x(µ c ). A damped Newton method is used to generate the new pointx k+1 , <strong>and</strong>, we employ a long-step approach, so that aggressive reductions inµ k are allowed. This has the consequence <strong>of</strong> increasing theoretical complexitybounds but tends to be favoured for practical algorithms since these bounds areusually conservative.With this in mind, it remains to find an initial point x 0 <strong>and</strong> value µ 0 suchthat x 0 is close to x(µ 0 ). This is the subject <strong>of</strong> Section 3.1 which discusses aninitialisation algorithm.Further to this, however, is a minor technical issue. The algorithm presentedin this section requires that the objective function f is linear, but we are interestedin a more general choice <strong>of</strong> f (typically quadratic). Nevertheless, it isstraightforward to embed problem (P) into a slightly larger formulation whichdoes have a linear objective. In fact, we do this now using the epigraphic form [2].(A) :min t s.t. f(x) ≤ t, x ∈ G, (A µ): min(t,x) (t,x)1µt−ln(t−f(x))+F (x),where t ∈ R <strong>and</strong> −ln(t − f(x)) is assumed to be a ν f -self-concordant barrierfunction for f(x) ≤ t (e.g. in the case where f is quadratic then this assumptionis satisfied with ν f = 2). Note that (A µ ) has a unique minimiser, denoted by(t(µ),x(µ)). The following lemma shows that if (t(µ),x(µ)) minimises (A µ )thenx(µ) minimises (P µ ) <strong>and</strong> it therefore appears reasonable to solve problem (A µ )<strong>and</strong> obtain the minimiser for problem (P µ ) directly.Lemma 1. Let (t(µ),x(µ)) denote the unique minimiser <strong>of</strong> problem (A µ ) forsome µ>0, thenx(µ) also minimises problem (P µ ) for the same value <strong>of</strong> µ.3.1 Initialisation StageThe purpose <strong>of</strong> an initialisation stage is to generate a point (t 0 ,x 0 ) <strong>and</strong> a valueµ 0 such that (t 0 ,x 0 )iscloseto(t(µ 0 ),x(µ 0 )) (the minimiser <strong>of</strong> (A µ )), whichenables the main stage algorithm to progress as described above. The usualapproach is to minimise the barrier function F A (t, x) −ln(t − f(x)) + F (x),which in turn provides a point at the “centre” <strong>of</strong> the constraint set <strong>and</strong> close tothe central-path <strong>of</strong> (A) forµ large enough.However, by construction F A (t, x) is unbounded below as t →∞.Thissproblemis overcome, in the literature, by including a further barrier on the maximumvalue <strong>of</strong> t resulting in the combined barrier functionF B (t, x) − ln(R − t)+F A (x), F A (t, x) −ln(t − f(x)) + F (x). (2)The unique minimiser <strong>of</strong> the barrier function F B <strong>and</strong> the central path <strong>of</strong>problem (A) are related in the following important way.Lemma 2. Let (t ∗ ,x ∗ ) denote the unique minimiser <strong>of</strong> F B (t, x). Then(t ∗ ,x ∗ )coincides with a point on the central path <strong>of</strong> problem (A) identified by µ = R−t ∗ .Therefore, minimising the barrier function F B actually provides a point onthe central path <strong>of</strong> (A), which is precisely the goal <strong>of</strong> the initialisation stage.

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