Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...


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320 D. Limon et al.Definition 1 (Sequence <strong>of</strong> reachable sets). Consider a system given by (1),consider also that the set <strong>of</strong> states at sample time k is X k <strong>and</strong> that a sequence<strong>of</strong> control inputs {u(k + i|k)} is given, then the reachable sets {X(k|k), X(k +1|k),...,X(k + N|k)} are obtained from the recursion: X(k + j|k) =f(X(k + j −1|k),u(k + j − 1|k),W) where X(k|k) =X k .The set <strong>of</strong> states X k might be either a singleton x k , in the case that the state iscertainly known, or a set, in the case that this is unknown but bounded (this iswhat happen when the state is not fully measurable).It is clear that the computation <strong>of</strong> this sequence <strong>of</strong> sets is not possiblein general; fortunately, a guaranteed estimation <strong>of</strong> this sequence can be obtainedif for a given control input u, a guaranteed estimator <strong>of</strong> f(X, u, W),ψ(X, u, W) is used for the computation. The guaranteed estimation must satisfythat ψ(X, u, W) ⊇ f(X, u, W), for all X, u, W . Thus the sequence <strong>of</strong> guaranteedestimation <strong>of</strong> the reachable set is given by the following recursion:ˆX(k + j|k) =ψ(ˆX(k + j − 1|k),u(k + j − 1|k),W)with ˆX(k|k) =X k . In order to emphasize the parameters <strong>of</strong> ˆX(k + j|k), this willbe denoted as X(k + j|k) =Ψ(j; X k , u,W).In the previous section, two methods to obtain a guaranteed estimator <strong>of</strong> afunction were introduced: the interval extension <strong>of</strong> the function f(X, u, W) <strong>and</strong>the one based on Kühn’s method. Both procedures can be used to approximatethe sequence <strong>of</strong> reachable sets.The interval extension method provides a guaranteed box considering thatX <strong>and</strong> W are boxes. Its main advantages are that this procedure is easy toimplement <strong>and</strong> its computational burden is similar to the one corresponding toevaluate the model. Moreover, the bounding operator based on interval extensionis monotonic, that is, if A ⊆ B, thenψ(A, u, W ) ⊆ ψ(B,u,W). Its maindrawback is that it may be very conservative.The procedure based on Kühn’s method calculates zonotopic approximations,assuming that X <strong>and</strong> W are zonotopes. This method provides more accurateapproximation than the one obtained by the interval extension at expense <strong>of</strong>a more involved procedure with a bigger computational burden. Moreover thisprocedure may not be a monotonic procedure.The monotonicity property <strong>of</strong> the estimation procedure ψ(·, ·, ·) providesaninteresting property to the estimated reachable set: consider the sequence <strong>of</strong>estimated reachable sets ˆX(k + j|k) =Ψ(j; X k , u,W). Consider a set X k+1 ⊆ˆX(k +1|k), then for all j ≥ 1, Ψ(j − 1; X k+1 , u,W) ⊆ Ψ(j; X k , u,W). Thisproperty will be exploited in the following sections.Based on this estimation <strong>of</strong> the sequence <strong>of</strong> reachable sets, a robust MPCcontroller is presented in the following section.4 Robust MPC Based on Guaranteed Reachable SetsWhile in a nominal framework <strong>of</strong> MPC, the future trajectories are obtainedby means <strong>of</strong> the nominal model <strong>of</strong> the system, when uncertainties are present,

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