Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...


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Hybrid MPC: Open-Minded but Not Easily Swayed 29it is in general not trivial to obtain functions V q , but it is true that a larger µwill yield more robustness to measurement error, or at least it will not degraderobustness. However, the larger µ, the longer it may take for the closed loop toconverge to the desired attractor. Also, a very large µ could make the systemincapable <strong>of</strong> adapting to large changes in conditions.5 Illustrations <strong>of</strong> Modified MPC Algorithms5.1 Pendulum Swing UpHere we consider the problem <strong>of</strong> swinging up a pendulum <strong>and</strong> stabilizing itsinverted equilibrium. The continuous-time model <strong>of</strong> the system after an inputfeedback transformation (ẋ = F (x, v) wherex ∈ R 2 , v ∈ R) <strong>and</strong> normalizationis ẋ 1 = x 2 ; ẋ 2 =sin(x 1 ) − cos(x 1 )v, wherex 1 is the angle <strong>of</strong> the pendulum (0at the upright position) <strong>and</strong> x 2 is the angular velocity. Following [20, Ex. 8.3],we design three different feedback laws v 1 (·), v 2 (·), v 3 (·) for the system. In [20],each <strong>of</strong> these control laws are activated in a different prespecified region <strong>of</strong> thestate space to perform the swing-up (the design purpose <strong>of</strong> v 1 (·), v 2 (·), v 3 (·) isto kick the system from the resting condition, to pump energy into the system,<strong>and</strong> to stabilize the inverted pendulum to the upright position, respectively).Given a sampling period T>0, for each u ∈{1, 2, 3} let x + = f(x, u) bethediscrete-time model <strong>of</strong> the closed loop ẋ = F (x, v u (x)) obtained via integrationover an interval <strong>of</strong> length T , i.e. f(x, u) =φ(T )whereφ(·) is the solution <strong>of</strong>ẋ = F (x, v u (x)) starting at φ(0) = x. WecannowuseMPCtodecidetheswing-up strategy.We construct the stage cost for st<strong>and</strong>ard MPC by adding the kinetic <strong>and</strong>potential energy <strong>of</strong> the pendulum. We also include a term in the stage costthat penalizes the control law during the continuous-time horizon to avoid largecontrol efforts. The cost function is periodic in x 1 with period 2π <strong>and</strong> therefore,there exists a surface on the state space x 1 − x 2 where on one side the algorithmtries to reach the upright position rotating the pendulum clockwise <strong>and</strong> on theother side rotating the pendulum counterclockwise. For one such particular cost,the surface <strong>and</strong> two different trajectories in opposite directions starting close tothe surface are given in Fig. 3(a). As discussed in Section 2, the closed-loopsystem is vulnerable to small measurement noise in the vicinity <strong>of</strong> that surfacewhen T is small.The vulnerability to measurement noise mentioned above can be resolvedvia the approach discussed in Section 4.2. Despite the fact that x 1 = 2πk,k ∈{0, ±1, ±2, ...}, correspond to the same physical location, one can constructtwo stage costs, namely l q for q ∈ {1, 2}, that are not periodic in x 1 suchthat l 1 vanishes at x =(0, 0, 0, 0) <strong>and</strong> positive elsewhere <strong>and</strong> l 2 vanishes atx =(2π, 0, 0, 0) <strong>and</strong> positive elsewhere. By doing so we can attain a robustnessmargin that does not depend on the size <strong>of</strong> sampling period T but on µ only,which can be increased to enhance robustness. Fig. 3(b) shows the switching linesfor several values <strong>of</strong> µ for both possible switches (q =1→ 2, q =2→ 1). For aparticular value <strong>of</strong> µ, the robustness margin is related to the separation <strong>of</strong> the

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