Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...


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360 J.B. Jørgensen et al.In this contribution, we propose an extended Kalman filter (EKF) for stochasticcontinuous-time systems sampled at discrete time. The system evolution isdescribed by stochastic index-1 differential algebraic equations <strong>and</strong> the outputmeasurements at discrete times are static mappings contaminated by additivenoise. In the implementation, the special structure <strong>of</strong> the resulting EKF equationsare utilized such that the resulting algorithm is computationally efficient<strong>and</strong> numerically robust. By these features, the proposed EKF algorithm can beapplied for state estimation in NMPC <strong>of</strong> large-scale systems as well as in algorithmsfor grey-box identification <strong>of</strong> stochastic differential-algebraic systems [3].2 Extended Kalman FiltersThe extended Kalman filter has been accepted as an ad hoc filter <strong>and</strong> predictorfor nonlinear stochastic systems. It is ad hoc in the sense that it does not satisfyany optimality conditions but adopts the equations for the Kalman filter <strong>of</strong> linearsystems, which is an optimal filter. In this section, we present the extendedKalman filter for a stochastic difference-algebraic system (discrete time) <strong>and</strong>show how this method is adapted to a stochastic differential-algebraic system(continuous-discrete time).2.1 Discrete-Time SystemConsider the stochastic difference-algebraic systemx k+1 = f(x k , z k , w k )0=g(x k , z k )y k = h(x k , z k )+v k(1a)(1b)(1c)in which w k ∼ N(0,Q k ), v k ∼ N(0,R k )<strong>and</strong>x 0 ∼ N(0,P 0|−1 ). (1a) <strong>and</strong> (1b)represent the system dynamics while (1c) is a measurement equation. Assumefurther that ∂g∂zis non-singular. Then according to the implicit function theorem,the algebraic variables, z k , are an implicit function <strong>of</strong> the state variables, x k , i.e.z k = χ(x k ). Consequently, the stochastic difference-algebraic system (1) may berepresented as a stochastic difference system with a measurement equationx k+1 = F (x k , w k )=f(x k ,χ(x k ), w k )y k = H(x k )+v k = h(x k ,χ(x k )) + v k(2a)(2b)This is the stochastic difference system to which the discrete-time extendedKalman filter applies. The extended Kalman filter for (2) consists <strong>of</strong> the equationsdescribed in the following [4]. The filter part <strong>of</strong> the extended Kalman filterconsists <strong>of</strong> the innovation-computatione k = y k − ŷ k|k−1 ,(3a)the feedback gain, K fx,k , computation

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