Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...


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Distributed <strong>Model</strong> <strong>Predictive</strong> Control <strong>of</strong> Large-Scale Systems 593many situations, the simple interconnection <strong>of</strong> these unit-based control configurationsachieves unacceptable closed-loop performance. To illustrate this point,consider the supercritical fluid extraction process (SFE) described in [14, 15].The SFE process consists <strong>of</strong> four main units–the extractor, stripper, reboiler <strong>and</strong>trim cooler. The SFE process is characterized by significant coupling betweenthe different units <strong>and</strong> is known to represent a challenging plantwide controlproblem. A fixed decentralized control configuration, based on a physical decomposition<strong>of</strong> the plant, is assumed. A schematic <strong>of</strong> the SFE plant with thecontrol divisions is shown in Figure 1. In the decentralized control configurationtherearethreeMPCs,oneforeachcontrolsubsystem.ThefirstMPCmanipulatesthe solvent flowrate (S) to the extractor to control the raffinate composition(x ipaR) at the outlet <strong>of</strong> the extractor. The second MPC manipulates the reflux <strong>and</strong>boilup flow rates (L, V ) to control the top <strong>and</strong> bottom compositions in the stripper(x ipaD,xipa B). The third MPC manipulates the shell tube temperature (T sh) inthe trim cooler to control the temperature <strong>of</strong> the solvent entering the extractor(T S ). All inputs are constrained to lie between an upper <strong>and</strong> lower limit. In thecentralized MPC framework, a single MPC controls the whole plant.In the decentralized MPC framework, the interconnections between the unitsare ignored. Consequently, the setpoint tracking performance <strong>of</strong> outputs x ipaR<strong>and</strong> x ipa exhibits large tracking errors. Also, the upper bound constraint on theDsolvent flow rate S to the extractor is active at steady state (see Figure 3).Therefore, the setpoint is unreachable under decentralized MPC. CentralizedMPC, on the other h<strong>and</strong>, tracks the new setpoint with much smaller trackingerrors. None <strong>of</strong> the input constraints are active at steady state. Quantitatively,centralized MPC outperforms decentralized MPC by a factor <strong>of</strong> 350 (Table 1)basedonmeasuredclosed-loopperformance.In most cases, however, centralized control is not a viable plantwide controlframework. To the best <strong>of</strong> our knowledge, no large-scale centralized modelsare available today in any field. Operators <strong>of</strong> large, interconnected systems (anentire chemical plant, for instance) view centralized control as monolithic <strong>and</strong>inflexible. With many plants already functional with some form <strong>of</strong> decentralizedMPCs, practitioners do not wish to engage in complete control system re-designas would be necessary to implement centralized MPC. While a decentralizedphilosophy creates tractable modeling <strong>and</strong> control problems, choosing to ignorethe interconnections between subsystems may result in poor systemwide controlperformance.A recent article [5] points out that there has been a strong tendency in thecontrol community to look for centralized control solutions; however, the exponentialgrowth <strong>of</strong> the centralized control law with system size makes its implementationunrealistic for large, networked systems. The only recourse in suchsituations is to establish a “divide <strong>and</strong> conquer” strategy that allows one tobreak the large-scale control problem into several smaller subproblems. The underlyingchallenge in any “divide <strong>and</strong> conquer” control strategy is to establisha protocol for integrating different components <strong>of</strong> the interconnected system toachieve good overall performance.

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