Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...


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488 R. Lepore et al.3 Control Strategy3.1 Control Objectives <strong>and</strong> NMPC SchemeThe feed flow rate <strong>and</strong> the classifier selectivity can be used as manipulated variables.Two mass fractions are used as controlled variables. The first one, denotedwP 3 , corresponds to the fine particles in the product flow. Experimental studies[10] demonstrate that this variable is highly correlated with the compressivestrength <strong>of</strong> the cement, if the upper size <strong>of</strong> interval 3 is chosen around 30 µm.The second one, denoted wM 2 , corresponds to the mid-size particles in the milloutflow, which can be directly related to the grinding efficiency <strong>of</strong> the mill (to<strong>of</strong>ine particles correspond to overgrinding whereas too coarse particles correspondto undergrinding).The use <strong>of</strong> these several variables is illustrated by the steady-state diagramwM 2 = f(q P ,wP 3 ) <strong>of</strong> Figure 2, where the curve ABC represents all the operatingpoints with wP 3 =0.86. Clearly, point B corresponds to a maximum product flowrate <strong>and</strong>, as demonstrated in [3], the arcs AB <strong>and</strong> BC correspond to stable <strong>and</strong>unstable process behaviours, respectively. By setting, for example, wM 2 =0.35on arc AB, a single operating point (point 1) is defined. This corresponds toproducing cement <strong>of</strong> a given fineness (wP 3 =0.86) at near maximum product flowrate in the stable region. A significant advantage <strong>of</strong> these controlled variables isthat the measurement <strong>of</strong> mass fractions is simple <strong>and</strong> inexpensive. A classicalsieving technique is used instead <strong>of</strong> sophisticated (<strong>and</strong> costly) laser technology.The design <strong>of</strong> the NMPC scheme [1, 8] is based on a nonlinear optimizationproblem, which has to be solved at each sampling time t k = kT s (where T s isthe sampling period). More specifically, a cost function measuring the deviation<strong>of</strong> the controlled variables from the setpoint over the prediction horizon has tobe minimized. Denoting y =[wP 3 w2 M ]T the controlled variable, the optimizationproblem is stated as follows:∑Npmin {y s − ŷ(t k+i )} T Q i {y s − ŷ(t k+i )} (2){u i} Nu−10 i=1where Nu <strong>and</strong> Np are the control <strong>and</strong> prediction horizon lengths, respectively(number <strong>of</strong> sampling periods with Nu < Np). {u i } Nu−10is the sequence <strong>of</strong>control moves with u i = u Nu−1 for i ≥ Nu (u i is the input applied to theprocess model from t k+i to t k+i+1 ). ŷ(t k+i ) is the output value at time t k+i ,as predicted by the model. {Q i } Np1are matrices <strong>of</strong> dimension 2, weighting thecoincidence points. y s is the reference trajectory (a piecewise constant setpointin our study).In addition, the optimization problem is subject to the following constraints:u min ≤ u i ≤ u max (3a)−∆u max ≤ ∆u i ≤ +∆u max(3b)qM min ≤ q M ≤ qMmax(3c)

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