Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...


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6 E.F. Camacho <strong>and</strong> C. Bordons2.3 State EstimationWhen a state space model is being used, the system state is necessary for prediction<strong>and</strong> therefore has to be known. In some cases it is accessible throughmeasurements, but in general this is not the case <strong>and</strong> a state observer must beimplicitly or explicitly included in the control loop. The choice <strong>of</strong> an appropriateobserver may have influence on the closed-loop performance <strong>and</strong> stability.The most extended approach for output-feedback nmpc is based on the CertaintyEquivalence Principle. The estimate state ˆx is computed via a state observer<strong>and</strong> used in the model predictive controller. Even assuming that the observererror is exponentially stable, <strong>of</strong>ten only local stability <strong>of</strong> the closed-loopis achieved [24], i.e. the observer error must be small to guarantee stability <strong>of</strong>the closed-loop <strong>and</strong> in general nothing can be said about the necessary degree<strong>of</strong> smallness. This is a consequence <strong>of</strong> the fact that no general valid separationprinciple for nonlinear systems exists. Nevertheless this approach is applied successfullyin many applications. A straightforward extension <strong>of</strong> the optimal linearfilter (Kalman filter) is the Extended Kalman filter ekf. The basic idea <strong>of</strong> ekfis to perform linearization at each time step to approximate the nonlinear systemas a time-varying system affine in the variables to be estimated, <strong>and</strong> toapply the linear filtering theory to it [26]. Although its theoretical propertiesremain largely unproven the ekf is popular in industry <strong>and</strong> usually performswell. Neither the Kalman Filter nor the extended Kalman Filter rely on on-lineoptimization, <strong>and</strong> neither h<strong>and</strong>le constraints.There exists a dual <strong>of</strong> the nmpc approach for control for the state estimationproblem. It is formulated as an on-line optimization similar to nmpc <strong>and</strong> isnamed moving horizon estimation (mhe), see for example [1],[29],[41],[47]. Itis dual in the sense that a moving window <strong>of</strong> old measurement data is usedto obtain an optimization based estimate <strong>of</strong> the system state. Moving horizonestimation was first presented for unconstrained linear systems by Kwon et al.[22]. The first use <strong>of</strong> mhe for nonlinear systems was published by Jang et al.[15]. In their work, however, the model does not account for disturbances orconstraints. The stability <strong>of</strong> constrained linear mhe was developed by Muske<strong>and</strong> Rawlings [30] <strong>and</strong> Rao et al. [37]. The groundwork for constrained nonlinearmhe was developed by Rao et al. [38]. Some applications in the chemical industryhave been reported [42].3 Solution <strong>of</strong> the NMPC ProblemIn spite <strong>of</strong> the difficulties associated with nonlinear modelling, the choice <strong>of</strong> appropriatemodel is not the only important issue. Using a nonlinear model changesthe control problem from a convex quadratic program to a nonconvex nonlinearproblem, which is much more difficult to solve <strong>and</strong> provides no guarantee thatthe global optimum can be found. Since in real-time control the optimum has tobe obtained in a prescribed interval, the time needed to find the optimum (oran acceptable approximation) is an important issue.

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