Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...


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Minimum-Distance Receding-Horizon State Estimation 349where t =0, 1,... is the time instant, x t ∈ R n is the continuous state vector (theinitial continuous state x 0 is unknown), λ t ∈L= △ {1, 2,...,L} is the systemmode or discrete state, w t ∈W⊂R n is the system noise vector, y t ∈ R m isthe vector <strong>of</strong> the measures, <strong>and</strong> v t ∈V⊂R m is the measurement noise vector.A(λ) <strong>and</strong>C(λ), λ∈L,are n × n <strong>and</strong> m × n matrices, respectively. We assumethe statistics <strong>of</strong> x 0 ,w t , <strong>and</strong> v t to be unknown as well as the law governing theevolution <strong>of</strong> the discrete state.In this section, a minimum-distance criterion is proposed for the estimation <strong>of</strong>the discrete state <strong>of</strong> system (1). More specifically, given the noisy observationsvector yt−Nt over a given time interval [t − N,t], such a criterion allows one to△estimate the switching pattern π t = λtt−N (or at least a portion <strong>of</strong> it [2]). Sincesystem (1) is time-invariant with respect to the extended state (x t ,λ t ), in thefollowing <strong>of</strong> this section, for the sake <strong>of</strong> simplicity <strong>and</strong> without loss <strong>of</strong> generality,we shall always consider the interval [0,N].If the evolution <strong>of</strong> the discrete state is completely unpredictable, the switching△pattern π N = λN0 can assume any value in the set L N+1 . However, in manypractical cases, the a-priori knowledge <strong>of</strong> the system may allow one to consider arestricted set <strong>of</strong> “admissible” switching patterns [4]. Think, for example, <strong>of</strong> thecase in which the discrete state is slowly varying, i.e., there exists a minimumnumber τ <strong>of</strong> steps between one switch <strong>and</strong> the following one. Of course, sucha-priori knowledge may make the task <strong>of</strong> estimating the discrete state from themeasures y0N considerably simpler. As a consequence, instead <strong>of</strong> considering allthe possible switching patterns belonging to L N+1 , we shall consider a restrictedset P N ⊆L N+1 <strong>of</strong> all the admissible switching patterns, i.e., <strong>of</strong> all the switchingpatterns consistent with the a-priori knowledge <strong>of</strong> the evolution <strong>of</strong> the discretestate.Let us consider a generic switching pattern π =col △ ( λ (0) ,...,λ (N)) <strong>and</strong> definethe matrices F (π) <strong>and</strong> H(π) as⎡⎤C(λ (0) )C(λ (1) )A(λ (0) )F (π) =△ .,⎢⎣N∏ ⎥C(λ (N) ) A(λ (N−i) )⎦H(π) =△ ⎢⎣⎡i=10 0 ··· 0C(λ (1) ) 0 ··· 0C(λ (2) )A(λ (1) ) C(λ (2) ) ··· 0..... ....N−1∏C(λ (N) )i=1.N−2∏⎥A(λ (N−i) ) C(λ (N) ) A(λ (N−i) ) ··· C(λ (N) ⎦)i=1⎤

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