Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...


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120 F.A.C.C. Fontes, L. Magni, <strong>and</strong> É. GyurkovicsNow, suppose that due to disturbances we have no means <strong>of</strong> guaranteeing thatall the hypothesis <strong>of</strong> the lemma are satisfied for the trajectory x ∗ we want toanalyse. Instead some hypothesis are satisfied on a neighbouring trajectory ˆxthat coincides with the former at a sequence <strong>of</strong> instants <strong>of</strong> time. 1 Furthermore,suppose that instead <strong>of</strong> approaching the origin we would like to approach someset containing the origin. These are the conditions <strong>of</strong> the following lemma.Definition 1. Let A be a nonempty, closed subset <strong>of</strong> IR n . The function x ↦→d A (x), fromIR n to IR, denotes the distance from a point x to the set A (i.e.,d A (x) :=min y∈A ‖x − y‖).We say that a function M is positive definite with respect to the set A ifM(x) > 0 for all x ∉ A <strong>and</strong> M(x) =0for some x ∈ A.Lemma 3 (A generalization <strong>of</strong> Barbalat’s lemma). Let A be subset <strong>of</strong> IR ncontaining the origin, <strong>and</strong> M : IR n → IR be a continuous function which ispositive definite with respect to A.Let ∆>0 be given <strong>and</strong> for any δ ∈ (0,∆) consider the functions x ∗ δ <strong>and</strong> ˆx δfrom IR + to IR n satisfying the following properties:• The function x ∗ δ is absolutely continuous, the function ˆx δ is absolutely continuouson each interval [iδ, (i +1)δ), for all i ∈ IN 0 ,<strong>and</strong>ˆx δ (iδ) =x ∗ δ (iδ) forall i ∈ IN 0 .• There exist positive constants K 1 , K 2 <strong>and</strong> K 3 such that for all δ ∈ (0,∆)‖ẋ ∗ δ(·)‖ L ∞ (0,∞) ε 0 for all k ∈ N.Without loss <strong>of</strong> generality, we may assume that t k+1 − t k ≥ ˜δ, k ∈ IN. LetR ≥ K 2 be such that the set B = {x ∈ R n : d A (x)) ≥ ε 0 /2<strong>and</strong> ‖x‖ ≤R} isnonempty. Since B is compact, M is continuous <strong>and</strong> M(x) > 0,ifx ∈ B, there1 In an NMPC context, ˆx would represent the concatenation <strong>of</strong> predicted trajectories;see equation (12).

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