Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...


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A New Real-Time Method for <strong>Nonlinear</strong> <strong>Model</strong> <strong>Predictive</strong> Control 539L : X × U → R ≥0 is assumed to satisfy γ L (‖x, u‖ Σ) ≤ L(x, u) ≤ γ U (‖x, u‖ Σ)for some γ L ,γ H ∈K ∞ , although this could be relaxed to an appropriate detectabilitycondition. The mapping W : X f → R ≥0 is assumed to be positivesemi-definite, <strong>and</strong> identically zero on the set Σ X ⊂ X f . For the purposes <strong>of</strong>this paper, the functions L(·, ·), W (·) <strong>and</strong>f(·, ·) are all assumed to be C 1+ ontheir respective domains <strong>of</strong> definition, although this could be relaxed to locallyLipschitz with relative ease.3 Finite-Dimensional Input ParameterizationsIncreasing horizon length has definite benefits in terms <strong>of</strong> optimality <strong>and</strong> stability<strong>of</strong> the closed loop process. However, while a longer horizon obviously increasesthe computation time for model predictions, <strong>of</strong> significantly greater computationalconcern are the additional degrees <strong>of</strong> freedom introduced into the minimizationin (2a). This implies that instead <strong>of</strong> enforcing a constant horizon length,it may be more beneficial to instead maintain a constant number <strong>of</strong> input parameterswhose distribution across the prediction interval can be varied accordingto how “active” or “tame” the dynamics may be in different regions.Towards this end, it is assumed that the prediction horizon is partitionedinto N intervals <strong>of</strong> the form [t θ i−1 ,tθ i ], i =1...N, with t ∈ [tθ 0 ,tθ 1 ]. The inputtrajectory u :[t θ 0,t θ N ] → Rm is then defined in the following piecewise manneru(τ) =u φ (τ,t θ ,θ,φ) {φ(τ −tθ0 ,θ 1 ) τ ∈ [t θ 0,t θ 1](3)φ(τ −t θ i−1 ,θ i) τ ∈ (t θ i−1 ,tθ i ], i ∈{2 ...N}with individual parameter vectors θ i ∈ Θ ⊂ R n θ, n θ ≥ m, for each interval, <strong>and</strong>θ = {θ i | i ∈{1,...N}} ∈ Θ N . The function φ : R ≥0 × Θ → R m may consist <strong>of</strong>any smoothly parameterized (vector-valued) basis in time, including such choicesas constants, polynomials, exponentials, radial bases, etc. In the remainder, a(control- or input-) parameterization shall refer to a triple P (φ, R N+1 ,Θ N )with specified N, although this definition may be abused at times to refer to thefamily <strong>of</strong> input trajectories spanned by this triple (i.e. the set-valued range <strong>of</strong>φ(R N+1 ,Θ N )).Assumption 1. The C 1+ mapping φ : R ≥0 × Θ → R m <strong>and</strong> the set Θ aresuch that 1) Θ is compact <strong>and</strong> convex, <strong>and</strong> 2) the image <strong>of</strong> Θ under φ satisfiesU ⊆ φ(0,Θ).Let (t 0 ,x 0 ) ∈ R × ˚X represent an arbitrary initial condition for system (1), <strong>and</strong>let (t θ ,θ) be an arbitrary choice <strong>of</strong> parameters corresponding to some parameterizationP. We denote the resulting solution to the prediction model in (2b),defined on some maximal subinterval <strong>of</strong> [t 0 ,t θ N ], by xp (·,t 0 ,x 0 ,t θ ,θ,φ). At timeswe will condense this notation, <strong>and</strong> that <strong>of</strong> (3), to x p (τ), u φ (τ).A particular choice <strong>of</strong> control parameters (t θ ,θ) corresponding to some parameterizationP will be called feasible with respect to (t 0 ,x 0 ) if, for every

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