Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ...


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324 D. Limon et al.5.2 Robust Output Feedback MPCIn the previous section, some robust MPC controllers based on a guaranteed estimation<strong>of</strong> the reachable sets were presented. This estimation is achieved by usinga guaranteed estimator ψ(·, ·, ·) <strong>of</strong> the model function f(·, ·, ·). These controllersare able to robustly steer the system to a target set under assumption that thefull state variables are measurable. In the case that only the output signals aremeasurable, then a set <strong>of</strong> estimated states can be calculated by means <strong>of</strong> theproposed guaranteed state estimator estimator. Then the state feedback MPCcontroller can be modified to deal with the output feedback case by consideringthat the predicted sequence <strong>of</strong> reachable sets starts from a given set instead <strong>of</strong>a single state initial state.Consider that the control law u = h(x) is an admissible robustly stabilizingcontrol law for system (1) in a neighborhood <strong>of</strong> the origin. Assume that system(1) is locally detectable for the corresponding dynamic output feedback controllerˆx k+1 = κ(ˆx k ,u k ,y k ) (8)u k = h(ˆx k )in such a way that the closed loop systemx k+1 = f(x k ,h(ˆx k ),w k ) (9)ˆx k+1 = κ(ˆx k ,h(ˆx k ),g(x k ,h(ˆx k ),v k )) (10)is robustly stable in (x, ˆx) ∈ Γ ,whereΓ is a polyhedral robust invariant setfor system (9), i.e. ∀(x k , ˆx k ) ∈ Γ , x k ∈ X, h(ˆx k ) ∈ U, <strong>and</strong>(x k+1 , ˆx k+1 ) ∈ Γ ,∀w ∈ W, v ∈ V . It is clear that Γ contains the origin in its interior.Assume that there is available a procedure to implement the proposed estimationalgorithm that provides ˆX k at each sampling time from the measurementy k . Then the robust output feedback MPC controller first estimates the set <strong>of</strong>states ˆX k <strong>and</strong> then calculates the control input based on this set by minimizingan optimization problem PN o (ˆX k ).The cost to minimize J N (ˆX k , u) must be calculated from the set <strong>of</strong> initial statesˆX k . This can be done for instance based on the nominal prediction consideringas the initial state the center <strong>of</strong> the zonotope ˆX k or calculating the sequence<strong>of</strong> reachable sets <strong>and</strong> computing the worst case cost, in a similar way to themin-max paradigm. Thus, the optimization problem PN o (ˆX k )isgivenbyminu,ˆxJ N (ˆX k , u)s.t. ˆX(k + j|k) =Ψ(j; ˆX k , u,W) j =1, ··· ,Nu(k + j|k) ∈ U, j =0, ··· ,N − 1ˆX(k + j|k) ⊆ X j =0, ··· ,N(x, ˆx) ∈ Γ,∀x ∈ ˆX(k + N|k)The extra decision variable ˆx has been added to force that for any statecontained in ˆX(k + N|k), the dynamic controller (8) stabilizes the system

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