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Provided that on and from the 29th June 1993, maternity leave not exceeding six weeks for miscarriage,including natural abortion or medical termination of Pregnancy under the medicalTermination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 (Central Act 30 of 1971) shall be granted to a womanGovernment servant irrespective of number of surviving children, on production of medical certificate.2. Leave on any other kind may be granted in continuation of maternity leave, if the request for itsgrant be supported by a medical certificate.Provided that on and from the 29th June 1993, leave of any kind due and admissible under therules may be granted upto a maximum period of one year in continuation of maternity leave, if leave isapplied for supported by a medical certificate.(with effect from 29th June 1993)[G.O.Ms. No.173, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (FR.IV)Department, dated 27th June 1997.]Explanation.—Leave of any other kind in continuation of maternity leave may also be granted incase of illness of a newly born baby, subject to the female Government servant producing a medicalcertificate from the authorised medical attendant to the effect that the condition of the ailing babywarrants mother’s personal attention and her presence by the baby’s side is absolutely necessary.(G.O. Ms. No. 1204, Finance, dated 31st October 1960.)3. All Heads of Departments and other competent authorities may grant maternity leave to womenGovernment servants under their control subject to the restriction laid down in Rule 66.Instruction under Rule 101 (b)—Hospital leave.1. The grant of hospital leave is subject to the condition that the leave-salary is not in addition tothe benefits to which the employee may be entitled to under section 4 (1) (d) of the Workmen’sCompensation Act but is inclusive of them.2. All Basic servants and such subordinate Government servants whose duties involve handling ofdangerous machinery, explosive materials, poisonous drugs, etc., or the performance of hazardoustasks, while under medical treatment for illness of injury, if such illness or injury is directly due to risksincurred in the course of their official duties, are eligible for hospital leave. The grant of hospital leaveis subject to the following further conditions:—(a) Hospital leave should be granted on the production by the Government servant concerned,of a medical certificate from an authorised medical attendant or a certificate of a superior officer notbelow the rank of a Group A and B officer to the effect that the illness or injury was directly due torisks incurred in the course of official duties and also that the leave recommended is necessary toeffect a cure.(b) The period of the leave shall be such as may be certified by the authorised medicalattendant to be necessary and shall not exceed the maximum laid down in Instruction 3 below.(G.O. Ms. No. 141, Finance, dated 31st January 1961.)2-A. A Government servant, who holds only a temporary or officiating post and has no lien on apermanent post is not entitled to hospital leave. This provision shall not apply to a Police Constable orHead Constable or Band Head Constable or Reserve Head Constable or Armourer or Signaller orMotor Transport Driver or Band Police Constable or Reserve Police Constable, Bugler, Bellows Boy,Daffadar, Lancer Daffadar or Sower in the Tamil Nadu Police Subordinate Service or a ForestReserve Watcher or a Leading Fireman Driver, Driver Mechanic, Fireman Mechanic, Welder, FiremanLabourer or Fireman in the Tamil Nadu Fire Service or any of the employee of the Government Pressincluding men paid from Day-extra establishment and menials paid from contingencies but excludingthose classified under Ministerial Service.(G.O. Ms. No. 851, Finance, dated 8th July 1964.)3. Hospital Leave on full pay may be granted to a Government servant of one of the classesmentioned in Instruction 2, for the entire period during which the Government servant is treated as inpatientin the hospital and for the period during which he is treated as out-patient, leave on half-pay tothe extent recommended by the medical authority may be granted. It is inadmissible when suchtreatment is necessitated by intemperance or irregular habits. Hospital leave may be combined withother leave which may be admissible. The total period of leave so combined shall not exceed 28months.(G.O. Ms. No. 44, Personnel and Administrative Reforms, dated 18th January 1983—With effect from19th December 1968.)138

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