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him, whether the applicant should go before a Medical Board to decide the question of his fitness forservice.Note 2.—Honorary Medical officers not below the rank of Civil Assistant Surgeons are alsocompetent to issue a medical certificate under this rule.11. Having secured such a certificate, the Government servant must, except in casescovered by rule, 14 obtain the permission of the head of his office or if he himself is the headof an office, of the head of his department to appear before a medical committee. Thecommittee will be assembled under the orders of the Director of Medical Services, who will,where practicable, preside over it. The committee will be assembled either at the headquartersof the State or at such other place as Government may appoint and the Government servantwill present himself with three copies of the statement of his case before the committee.12. Before the required leave or extension of leave can be granted the Government servantmust obtain from the committee a certificate to the following effect:—“We do hereby certify that, according to the best of our professional judgment, after carefulpersonal examination of Thiru, we consider that he is suffering fromand that his health is such as to render leave of absence for a period ofmonths with effect fromabsolutelynecessary for his recovery.”Note.—In cases where the leave recommended by the Official Medical Attendant or the HonoraryMedical Officer not below the rank of a Civil Assistant Surgeon under Rule 10 does not exceed twomonths, the authority competent to grant leave shall dispense with the appearance of the Governmentservant before the medical committee under Rule 11 and the obtaining of a certificate from thecommittee under this rule, unless such authority doubts the bonafides of the application for the grantof leave on medical certificate.13. Before deciding whether to grant or refuse the certificate, the committee may, in adoubtful case, detain the applicant under professional observation for a period not exceeding14 days. In that case, it should grant to him a certificate to the following effect:—“C.D. having applied to us for a medical certificate recommending the grant to him ofleave, we consider it expedient, before granting or refusing such a certificate, to detain C.D.under professional observation for days.”14. If the state of the applicant’s health is certified by a medical officer in-charge of a civilstation to be such as to make it inconvenient for him to present himself at any place in which acommittee can be assembled, the authority competent to grant the leave may accept, in lieu ofthe certificate prescribed in Rule 12 either—(a) Certificate signed by any two medical officers in charge of civil stations in whateverState they may be serving; or(b) If the authority considers it unnecessary to require the production of two medicalopinions, a certificate signed by an officer in medical charge of a civil station andcountersigned by the Collector of the district, or in the case of officers of the JudicialDepartment by the District and Sessions Judge.For the purposes of this clause, the Chief Medical Officer, Lady Willingdon LeperSettlement, Tirumani, shall be deemed to be medical officer in charge of civil station in respectof leper patients under his treatment, provided that he is registered under the Madras MedicalRegistration Act, 1914 (Madras Act IV of 1914) and the certificate given by him iscountersigned by the Director of Medical Services.15. The grant of a certificate under Rule 12 or 14 does not in itself confer upon theGovernment servant concerned any right to leave. The certificate should be forwarded to theauthority competent to grant the leave and the orders of that authority should be awaited.Procedure in the case of Group C and D Government Servants in Superior Service.16. An Application by a Groups C and D Government servants in superior service for leaveor for extension of leave on medical certificate must be accompanied by a certificate issued by221

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