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a maximum of three working days and record a certificate to that effect in the Last Pay Certificate. Thetransit pay of the Reserve Inspectors and Accountants whose transfer of charge is prolonged will beregulated with reference to the principles enunciated in Ruling (1) above.(Finance Memorandum No.88321-C.S.R., dated 9th October 1956, and No.90107-F.R.-58-1, dated22nd September 1958.)(12) The Inspector-General of Police may allow the Reserve Inspectors in charge of the CentralStores of the Office of the Inspector-General of Police, additional joining time to cover the actualperiod of transfer of charge, subject to a maximum of 10 days and record a certificate to that effect inthe Last Pay Certificate. The transit pay of Reserve Inspector whose transfer of charge is prolongedwill be regulated with reference to the principles enunciated in Ruling (1) above.(Finance Memorandum No.90107 F.R.,58-2., dated 22nd September 1958.)(13) Deleted.(14) The Superintendent of Jails may allow the Jailers, Deputy Jailers/Steward Clerks, AssistantJailors (Clothing) and Store-keepers in charge of Civil Stores and Prisoners’ Warrants, Ration Stores,Clothing Stores and Manufactory Stores respectively of the Jail Department additional joining time tocover the actual period of transfer of charge, subject to a maximum of three working days and recorda certificate to that effect in the Last Pay Certificate. The transit pay of the Jailors, DeputyJailors/Steward Clerks, Assistant Jailors (Clothing) and Store keepers, whose transfer of charge isprolonged will be regulated with reference to the principles enunciated in Ruling (1) above.(Memorandum No.135020/F.R./65-10, dated 27th April 1966.)(15) The Director of Animal Husbandry may allow the Veterinary Assistant Surgeons in charge ofstocks and stores and the Store-keepers in the Animal Husbandry Department, additional joining timeto cover the actual period of transfer of charge, subject to a maximum of five days and recordcertificate to that effect in the Last Pay Certificate. The transit pay of the said Veterinary AssistantSurgeons and Store-keepers whose transfer of charge is prolonged will be regulated with reference tothe principle enunciated in ruling (1) above.(G.O. Ms. No. 1040, Finance, dated 25th November 1968.)108. A Government servant who does not join his post within his joining time is entitled tono pay or leave salary after the end of the joining time. Willful absence from duty after theexpiry of joining time may be treated as misbehaviour for the purpose of Rule 15.108-A. A person in employment other than Government service or on leave granted fromsuch employment, if in the interests of Government he is appointed to a post underGovernment, may, at the discretion of Government, be treated as on joining time while heprepares for and makes the journey to join the post under the Government, and while heprepares for and makes the journey on reversion from the post under Government to return tohis original appointment. During such joining time he shall receive pay equal to the pay or inthe case of joining time immediately following leave granted from the private employment, tothe leave-salary paid to him by his private employer prior to his appointment to Governmentservice, or pay equal to the pay of the post in Government service, whichever is less.RULING.Members of the Local Fund Service who are appointed as Municipal Commissioners for the firsttime by direct recruitment shall be allowed the usual joining time admissible for Government servantson transfer under Fundamental Rule 108-A. The transit pay of such members should be met by theMunicipalities to which they have been appointed as Municipal Commissioners.(Finance Memorandum No.115804/F.R./59-3, dated 23rd March 1960.)152

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