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course of study nor incur any expenses in connection therewith until he receives approval of theGovernment to the course.2. On completion of a course of study a certificate in the proper form (Which may be obtainedfrom the Head of Mission) together with certificates of examinations passed or special courses ofstudy undertaken indicating the dates of commencement and termination of the course with remarks,if any of the authority in charge of the course of study, shall be forwarded to the Head of Missionconcerned. When the study leave has been taken in India or any other country where there is noIndian Mission, such certificate shall be forwarded to Government.APPENDIX IIPart II.Rulings Under F.R.9(6) relating to the Military Training.Training in the Indian Territorial Force.(1) Under paragraph 177 of the Regulations for the Indian Territorial Force (1930), Governmentservants who are members of the Indian Territorial Force, are normally entitled, when called out orembodied for training to Military pay and allowances at the rates admissible for the Indian TerritorialForce; the difference, if any, between Civil pay and Military pay is admissible only in cases where aDepartment of the Government of India or its attached and subordinate offices or a State Governmentmay have specially authorized the payment of such difference. The Military pay and allowances aredebitable to Defence Estimates while the excess of Civil pay over Military pay is payable from CivilEstimates. To prevent overpayments, heads of departments have been requested to furnish to theaudit office the requisite information - vide T.M. Circular No.10-8-927, dated 11th September 1942.(Comptroller and Auditor-General’s letter No. 807-Admn./95-39, dated the 15th August 1942.)(2) The prescribed annual course of training of the Government servants should be treated as dutyand the arrangement as regards the pay they should get is similar to that described in the above Armyinstruction.If the Military pay of the person deputed for training is less than his Civil pay, the difference willalways be made good by Government without any restriction, that is to say whether a substitute isappointed or not.Note.—The pay of the workmen borne on the “Works Establishment” of the Public WorksDepartment will also be regulated by the above orders.[G.O. No. 963, Public (Political), dated 14th June 1939; Nos.889, Public dated 21st December 1921;No.825, Public dated 13th October 1922 and No. 107, Public, dated 29th January 1929.](3) Copyists in Criminal and Civil Courts undergoing similar training should be treated asGovernment servants for the aforesaid purpose. Their pay during training period being calculated onthe average of the earnings during the previous three months.[G.O. No. 785, Public, dated 28th September 1922 and No.2923, Law (General), dated 25th August1926.](4) When Government servants, enrolled in the Indian Territorial Force, attend the annual trainingor courses of instruction, the period of absence from duty shall not be deducted from any casual orother leave which may be admissible to them but shall be regarded as duty for the purposes of civilleave and pension.(5) The time spent on training by Government servants who join the Army in India Reserve ofOfficers counts as duty under this rule as also the period spent in journeying to and from the place atwhich the training is carried out.(G.O. Ms. No. 913, Public, dated 20th October 1926 and G.I., F.D., No.F.34-R.1/32, dated 19thAugust 1932.)(6) A Civil Officer undergoing military training is not a “Military” officer and in his case “pay” asdefined in Rule 9 (21) (a) does not include rank pay received during the period of training. The paywhich the officer would have drawn in the regular line in the Civil Department if he had not been under306

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