Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association


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signal is not hoisted to the dip; instead it is hoistedclosed up after the signal is understood by theappropriate personnel.QuestionTo question signals from the INCSEA agreement,the signal YVpl TACK ZLp3 will be used.CancelTo cancel signals from the INCSEA agreement,the code pennant followed by either YN or ZP mustprecede the group that cancels.SPECIAL WARNING SIGNALSTo inform foreign naval vessels that they haveviolated Soviet spaces, will use the warning signalslisted below:SNGSNOSNPSNRYou have violated the state border of the SovietUnion. I demand that you leave Soviet Unionwaters immediately.I demand that you leave the waters of the SovietUnion immediately. Unless you do so, a forceof arms will be used against you.You are violating the regulations for navigatingand remaining in Soviet Union waters. Idemand that you cease violations.Despite warnings, you continue to violate theregulations for navigating and remaining inSoviet Union waters. You are to leave themimmediately.During the day, these signals will be made byflags. During nighttime, these signals are made byMorse code using a signal lamp. Radiotelephone mayalso be used to transmit the signal, as well as voiceusing a megaphone or any other amplifying device.WARNING SIGNALS TO SUBMARINESThe signal of two series of explosions with threeexplosions in each series (where the interval betweenthe explosions in a series is 1 minute and the intervalbetween the series is 3 minutes) means “You are inSoviet Union waters. I demand you surfaceimmediately. Unless you comply with this orderwithin 10 minutes, a force of arms will be used againstyou.”An acoustic signal by sonar may be givensimultaneously, with the same meaning as statedpreviously. The signal will consist of five dashes, eachdash 3 seconds long, and the interval between dashes,3 seconds.INDEXLEARNING OBJECTIVES: Explain theprocedures for the use of the index.The index is divided into two separate indexes:Index 1 is the Signaling Instructions and GeneralSignal Code and Index 2 is the Medical Signal Code.USE AND CONSTRUCTION OF GROUPSThe types of signals used are the following:Single-letter signals—Indicate very urgent,important, or very common useTwo-letter signals—The general codeThree-letter signals—Begin with M and indicatethe medical codeThe Code follows the basic principle that eachsignal should have a complete meaning. This principleis followed throughout the Code. In certain cases,complements are used when necessary to supplementthe available group.To find a certain group when encoding, alwaysturn first to the signal index or medical index, asappropriate, and pick out the key word or phase.Examples:Do you require a boat? KEY WORD: BoatExplosion has occurred in tank KEY WORD:ExplosionCOMPLEMENTS EXPRESSThe use of complements is explained in thefollowing paragraphs. You as a <strong>Signalman</strong> must knowhow to use complements to effectively communicatewith merchantmen.Variations in the meaning of the basic signal:CP—I am (or vessel indicated is) proceeding toyour assistance.6-19

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