Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association


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When required, a full answer, consisting of the callsign of the calling station and the prosign DE followedby the call sign of the station answering, may be used.In the flashing light procedure when giving animmediate receipt to a message in response to theprosign K, use the prosign R singly without the endingsign K or AR.RELAYING INSTRUCTIONSWhen relaying responsibilities are automatic,relaying instructions need not be inserted in thetransmission instructions.The prosign T is to be used when signals/messagesare passed through a relay when the relayingresponsibilities are not automatic and the originatorrequires no report of delivery. The address componentis mandatory. When a message is received with theprosign T standing alone in the procedure componentof the heading, it means “Station called transmit thismessage to all addressees.”Examples: Suppose that C60 transmits a messageto R55, with instructions for R55 totransmit the message to F31; in thatcase, the heading would be as follows:R55 DE C6O T R 231210Z MAR 96 FMC87 TO R55 F31 BTProsign T followed by a call sign in the procedurecomponent means “Station called transmit thismessage to station(s) whose call follows T.” Assumethat C60 transmits a message to R55 with instructionsfor R55 to transmit the message to one of theaddressees—in this instance, B62:R55 DE C60 T B62 R 231210Z MAR 96 FM C60TO R55 F31 B62 GR4 BT UNCLAS RETURNHOME SOON. BT KProsign T both preceded and followed by callsigns means “The station indicated before T is totransmit this message to the station(s) indicatedimmediately following T.” Station C60, transmittinga message to R55 and F31, instructs R55 to transmitthe message to B62:F31 R55 DE C6O R55 T B62 R 231210Z MAR 96FM C60 TO B62 F31 R55 GR4 BT UNCLASRETLURN HOME SOON. BT KWhen transmission is accomplished, alladdressees (B62, F31, R55) will have received themessage.The prosign L is to be used when the originatorrequires relaying ships to report through the chain ofcommand when the message has been delivered.The prosign L is not to be used in the transmissioninstructions of executive method messages. Theprosign L must, however, be passed in to the originatorby relaying ships when the text of the executivemethod message has reached the last ship in the chainof visual responsibility. It is not to be passed in for theexecutive signal nor for messages where no responseprocedure is used.The prosign L must be passed to the originator bya ship that relays an emergency alarm signal to theOTC.NOTEVisual call signs must NOT be used in thetransmission instructions or address of messagesto be transmitted or relayed by otherthan visual means.SPECIAL PROCEDURESThe signals listed are signals used in specialcircumstances. ACP 129 covers procedures for usingthese special signals.Calling an unknown stationNo-response procedureDouble-flash procedureExchanging identities with the senior officerpresent afloat (SOPA)Alarm procedure for enemy reportingSpecial visual prosign OLSynchronizing timeCORRECTIONS AND REPETITIONSErrors or omissions noted by the transmittingoperator are to be corrected as follows:During transmission, the operator should transmitthe error prosign, repeat the last word, group, prosign,or operating signal correctly transmitted before theerror, followed by the correct word, group, prosign, oroperating signal, and continue on. When transmissionis completed but before a receipt is obtained, the4-6

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