Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association


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3-25. The OOD wants you to inform the boatto steer straight towards the shipby use of night signal. What signalshould you send?1. One white star2. Two white stars3. One green star4. Two green stars3-26. How should you indicate, byflaghoist, to a boat engaged in arescue operation and that issteering left to cease turn and keepsteady on present course?1. Closing up EIGHT PORT2. Dipping EIGHT PORT3. Hauling down EIGHT PORT4. Hauling down flag EIGHT3-27. To indicate to a foreign ship that ahurricane is approaching, you shouldhoist the signal RED-WHITE-RED.1. True2. False3-28. You are the <strong>Signalman</strong> supervisor onthe control ship during an UNREP.The receiving ship hoists the signalPREP AT THE DIP. What does thissignal indicate?1. Disengagement in 5 minutes2. Disengagement in 15 minutes3. Disengaging at final station4. Disengaging when ordered3-29. Your <strong>Signalman</strong> striker observed asolid green transfer-station markerat station eight on the deliveryship. What commodity should youinform him/her that is beingtransferred at that station?1. Water2. JP53. Ammunition4. Missiles3-30. What is the color distance marker toindicate 200 feet?1. Blue2. Green3. Red4. YellowQUESTIONS 3-31 THROUGH 3-55 PERTAIN TONAVIGATIONAL DUTIES.3-31. The magnetic pole and true NorthPole are located in the samegeographical position.1. True2. False3-32. What compass aboard ship should thenavigator use to check the accuracyof other compasses?1. Steering compass2. Gyrocompass3. Standard compass4. Any compass he/she believe to bemost accurate3-33. How are courses and bearings for thesteering compass designated?1. PSTCO2. PGTCO3. PGC4. PSC3-34. The basis of determining all truebearings and courses is true north.This being so, why don't navigatorsuse the compass that always pointsto true north as the ship's standardof compass accuracy?1. It is affected by magneticvariation2. It is subject to mechanical andelectrical failure3. Others are unaffected bymagnetic deviation4. Others are never subject tofailure3-35. You are assisting the quartermasterof the watch. For the measuring ofcelestial bodies you should use theazimuth circle.1. True2. False3-36. You can determine a relative bearingwith an azimuth circle by trainingthe sight vanes on an object andreading its bearing from what part?1. The beam of light on the compasscard2. The graduation of the innercircle alongside the lubber'sline3. The spirit circle4. The prism3-37. You have to continually pass bearingto the bridge. What equipmentshould you use that would enable youto read the bearing directly fromthe compass card without removingyour eye from the eyepiece?1. Bearing circle2. Azimuth circle3. Telescope4. Telescopic alidade15

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