Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association


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4-11.4-12.4-13.Your ship is receiving a visit bythe Under Secretary of the Navy. Atwhat position should you hoisthis/her personal flag?1. Gaff2. Loftiest point3. Main truck4. Starboard yardarmWhich of the following is NOT arequirement for hauling down apersonal flag or command pennant?1. Battle2. Absence of flag officer3. To render ship lessdistinguishable4. Flag officer brief visit toanother shipUnder which of the followingconditions will you NOT display theensign at the stern of waterborneboats?1. During daylight in foreign ports2. When ships are required to befull-dressed3. When prescribed by the seniorofficer present4. When under way from a port ofthe United States4-17. You are the <strong>Signalman</strong> supervisorduring an official visit from acivilian official. What actionregarding the commission pennantshould be done?1. Haul it down2. Shift it to the fore truck3. Shift it to the after truck4. Shift it to the starboardyardarm4-18. A foreign officer is visiting yourship and is entitled to a 21 gunsalute. Where should you displayhis/her country's ensign?1. Main masthead2. Foremast3. Flagstaff4. Starboard yardarm4-19. Your ship has just received severalaward pennants. In what ordershould you display them?1. Seniority2. Alphabetically3. In the order received4. Commanding officer's discretionQUESTIONS 4-20 THROUGH 4-34 PERTAINS TOSECURITY.4-14What boat bow marking indicates that 4-20. What person aboard ship is the maina chief of staff who is not a flagadvisor on all information andofficer is on board?personnel security?4-15.4-16.1. Acorn2. Miniature3. Arrow4. Stars corresponding to rankPassing honors may be rendered aftersunset when international courtesyrequires such actions.1. True2. FalseDuring an official visit, whenshould you break the dignitary'sflag if side honors do NOT include agun salute?1. Top Secret control officer2. Commanding officer3. Security manager4. Executive officer4-21. You have been informed by thecommanding officer that you willassume the duties of the securitymanager. What instruction shouldyou use to find the duties requiredof the security manager?1. OPNAVINST 1500.12. OPNAVINST 4790.43. OPNAVINST 5510.14. SECNAVINST 5215. the dignitary's boat orvehicle is sightedWhen the dignitary steps out ofhis/her vehicle or boatAt the start of the callAt the final note of the call4-22. Which of the following markings isNOT required for originallyclassified material?1. Declassification date2. Date material was received3. Overall classification4. Downgrading instructions20

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