Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association


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SIGNALTable 8-2.—Signals from a Ship to an Aircraft in DistressOPTICAL LANDING ** ALDIS LAMP BLINKERSYSTEMMEANING AND PURPOSE1. Flashing cut and wave off Flashing RED light. M,M * BINGO—to alternate landing field.lights.2. Flashing, cut lights. N/A3. N/A Steady GREEN light4. Flashing landing area lights. Steady RED light5. Landing area lights off. (night N/Aonly)6. N/A ZN/ACDN/AZAdd power—(jets and turbo props only).CHARLIE—Cleared to boardDELTA-Delay in landing. Enter DELTA pattern andmaintain visual contact with the ship.Closed deck. Do not land.Do not land. Ditch or bail out/eject in the vicinity of theship.7. Steady (3 sec.) cut lights. N/A N/A LSO has control of the aircraft on final approach atapproximately 1 l/2 miles.8. N/A H H Lower hook.9. N/A W W ILower wheels.10. N/A F11. N/A G12. N/A QFGQOTHERLower flaps.Jettison disposable fuel tank.Jettison ordinance.13. Series of GREEN FLARES (day only in wartime). Ship ready to receive aircraft for IMMEDIATEemergency landing.14. Series of RED FLARES. Do not land even if previous authorization has beengiven.15. Flag: EMERGENCY FOXTROT (aircraft) EMERGENCY Have emergency landing in progress. (Aircraft notHOTEL (helicopter)involved keep clear.)SUBMARINE EMERGENCIESThe following signals are prescribed forsubmerged submarines in emergency situations inwhich the submarine must come to periscope depth orsurface:A yellow or white smoke bomb fired into the air,followed by a second yellow or white smokebomb 3 minutes later indicates that thesubmarine is coming to the surface. <strong>Ships</strong> are toclear the immediate area but should not stoppropellers. (White and yellow are synonymousbecause, under certain atmospheric conditions,white signals may appear yellow.)One red smoke bomb repeated as often aspossible indicates “Keep clear, I am carrying outemergency surfacing procedures.”ACP 168, Pyrotechnic Signals, is an excellentreference to locate the different types of pyrotechnicsignals.SURFACE SHIP EMERGENCIESInternational emergency signals for surface shipsare discussed in chapter 6.For a man-overboard situation, the daytimedisplay is the OSCAR flag, flown at the foretruck orwhere it can best be seen (remember, as you learned8-11

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