Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association


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transmitted immediately to the station disclosing anEEFI. When a station on the net transmits informationlisted in an EEFI, the net control operator transmitsthe code word beadwindow, followed by the numberof the EEFI that has been disclosed.Approved broad EEFIs for general use are listedin ACP 125, chapter 5. Additional specific operationsand exercises may be developed and broad EEFIsexpanded by individual nations or by operationalcommanders. The EEFI list should be posted in clearsight of the operator at all secure voice positions forrapid reference.SUMMARYIn this chapter you were taught how tocommunicate by flashing light, semaphore, radiotelephone,sound, colored lights, and pyrotechnics.You were taught general procedures; visualresponsibility; how to use operating signals; how tochallenge and reply; and how to call, answer, requestrepetitions, and acknowledge. You were taught thedifference between the delayed executive method andthe immediate executive method and the time whenyou should use each. Now it is up to you to exercisethis knowledge. Practice is the key. So when you havea little extra time, pick up a pub to further broaden yourknowledge.4-23

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