Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association


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Figure AII-4.—Semaphore position circle.Examining figure AII-2, you will see that C and Ealso are used as special signs. The ANSWERING signis the same as letter C. The ERROR sign consists ofletter E made eight or more times. ATTENTION ismade by waving both flags from the horizontal to theoverhead position.The various instructors of semaphore in Navyschools teach different methods that they feel makelearning easier. One of the most popular of thesemethods is the system of opposites. (See figure AII-5.)The idea here is to learn one letter, then learn a lettermade by holding the hands in exactly the oppositeposition. Going down the list, you see that letters ofthe alphabet (except L, D, and R) have opposites thatform other letters.As you practice, move your arms from oneposition to another by the shortest route possible.Notice the movement of the man's arm(s) in figureAII-6 as he sends the word ships. Cutting outunnecessary movement of the arms makes yoursending more uniform and increases your speed. Assoon as possible, start sending and receiving withFigure AII-5.—The system of oppositesanother striker. Always remember: Practicingcorrectly makes perfection.The remainder of this appendix is devoted tosemaphore drills for you to practice.Drill 1When you are able to send each letter of thealphabet easily and without hesitation, you are readyto start sending groups. Start with this exercise. Donot try for speed; that will come later.EGMGH RILCO MUCVX LXDIRZKOBW MGQEH WFKZO SMGDHQFWRK LUIVN CIJQV HJEGOAPSIJ BRSPZ PAYTD SCIVNMGQEH LSMYZ FXNUV BRSPAFigure AII-6.—Eliminatlng unnecessary movement.AII-7

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