Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association


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2-40.2-41.2-42.2-43.What maneuver flag should you use toindicate to units that simultaneousexecution of the signal is required?1. CORPEN2. TURN3. FORMATION4. STATIONThe OOD sends up the followinginformation: Form on a relativebearing 090 from the starboard sideof the guide. What signal shouldyou hoist?1. FORM STBD 0902. STATION STBD 0903. FORM STBD 94. STATION STBD 9You receive the following signal tobe transmitted by flaghoist:CHARLIE MIKE TACK CHARLIE MIKECHARLIE FIVE. How should you hoistthis signal using substitutes?1. CM TACK 2ND 1ST 3RD 52. CM TACK 1ST 2ND 4TH 53. CM TACK 1ST 3RD 2ND 54. CM TACK 1ST 2ND 3RD 5You are aboard the flag ship. Youreceive a message from the flagofficer to inform a ship in companyto commence flight operations at1800 and to be completed by 2100.If the basic group for flightoperations is AB, what signal shouldyou hoist?QUESTIONS 2-46 THROUGH 2-67 PERTAIN TOINTERNATIONAL SIGNALING.2-46. What is the term used to denote astation in which the signal isfinally received by the addressee?1. Receiving station2. Identity signal3. Station of destination4. Station of origin2-47. In international communications.what is the standard rate ofsignaling by flashing light?2-48.2-49.1. 30 words per minute2. 30 letters per minute3. 40 words per minute4. 40 letters per minuteWhen using a loud hailer, how shouldyou transmit groups from theInternational Code of Signals?1. By phonetic spelling2. By characters3. By phases4. By wordsWhen communicating usinginternational procedures, how shouldyou transmit the name of a ship or aspecific place?1. Abbreviations2. Spelled out3. Call signs4. Nationality code2-44.2-45.1. T18 AB 212. AB TACK 21T183. AB TACK 18T214. AB TACK T18 TACK T21What signal should you hoist toindicate to a ship that is repeatingthe signal incorrectly?1. INT 12. INT 23. INT 34. INT 4Your ship has visual responsibilityfor the ship astern. You haverepeated a signal from the OTC, butthe OTC hauls down the signal beforethe ship astern repeats the signal.How should you relay the signal tothe astern ship?1. By hoisting the signal close up2. By hoisting the signal at thedip3. By flashing light4. By semaphore2-50.2-51.2-52.You receive a message from the OODto transmit to a merchant ship byflashing light. The number 5.8 is agroup in the message. How shouldyou send the number?1. FIVE POINT EIGHT2. FIVE ANS EIGHT3. FIVE DECIMAL EIGHT4. FIVE AAA EIGHTWhat signal should you hoist toindicate 15 March 1996 whencommunicating by internationalprocedures?1. D15032. D9215033. DO315964. D150396When communicating internationally,to indicate speed in kilometers,what signal should you send?1. K2. M3. S4. V10

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