Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association


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1-53.1-54.1-55.1-56.1-57.l-58.What is the definition of letters,letter-number combinations, or oneor more pronounceable words used forestablishing and maintainingcommunication?1. Special operating groups2. Address indicating groups3. Call signs4. Plain language stations andaddress designatorWhich of the following call signsrepresents no facility, command,authority, or unit?1. International call sign2. Voice call sign3. Net call sign4. Indefinite call signA visual call sign in conjunctionwith a signal has what meaning?1. To address the ship2. To complete, amplify, or varythe meaning of the signal3. To denote or indicate the ship4. To determine the shipVisual call signs can be used in thetransmission instructions of amessage to be relayed by other thanvisual means.1. True2. FalseAll ships of cruiser group 5 arepresent in port. You are <strong>Signalman</strong>supervisor aboard the flagship. Youare given a message for all shipsand unit commanders in the group.What visual call sign should youinstruct your signal gang to hoist?1. GROUP/FLOT p52. GROUP/FLOT Cp53. Cp5 GROUP/FLOT4. C GROUP/FLOT p5What call sign should you hoist tocall task force 36 when transmittingan intra-USN message by flashinglight?1. 6p362. 6363. SIX p3p64. SIX THREE SIX1-59. While at anchor, the OOD orders youto hoist the recall signal for thecaptain's gig. What signal shouldyou hoist?1. Qp12. Qp23. Qp34. Qp41-60. What type of address group is arepresentative of a single commandor unit ashore or afloat?1. Geographical2. Collective3. Indefinite4. Individual1-61. What is the main purpose of addressindicating groups?1. To increase security2. To increase the speed of traffichandling and to reduce thelength of address components3. To eliminate message headings4. To notify addressees of incomingmessages and the time requiredto deliver these messages1-62. Your <strong>Signalman</strong> of the watch justreceived an incoming tacticalsignal. To what stations on boardship should he/she convey thismessage?1. OOD only2. CIC only3. CIC and OOD4. CIC and communication center1-63. Of the following shipboardcommunication factors, which one hasno bearing on the method ofcommunications chosen?l-64.1. The need for accuracy2. The need for security3. The speed of transmission4. The time of transmissionWhat communication element providesa brevity code for the passing ofinformation pertaining tocommunications, aircraft operations,and search and rescue?1. Prosigns2. Operating signals3. Unit indicators4. Transmission instructions5

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