Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association


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4-37.4-38.4-39.4-40.4-41.4-42.The OOD informs you to call an LCPLto station 5. What signal shouldyou hoist?1. Flag P over blue flag on theport yardarm2. Flag P over blue flag on thestarboard yardarm3. Flag L over blue flag on theport yardarm4. Flag L over blue flag on thestarboard yardarmYou are on the signal bridge duringnighttime amphibious operations.You observe green over green overgreen. What does this signalindicate?1. LCU report to station 102. LCM 8 report to station 103. LCM 8 report to station 94. LCM 8 report to the well deckWhat officer is responsible fordirecting all scheduled waves overtheir assigned beach through theprimary control ship?1. Central control officer2. Assistant central controlofficer3. Boat group commander4. Primary control officerWhat individual is responsible forthe discipline and organization ofthe boat group?1. Primary control officer2. Boat wave commander3. Boat group commander4. Wave guide officerDuring nighttime amphibiousoperations, you observe two verticalblinking white lights. What shipdoes this signal indicate?1. Primary control2. Central control3. Secondary control4. Boat group commanderTo indicate to wave 3 that it has a2 minute standby for departure, whatnighttime signal should you transmitto it?1. Flashing amber light for30seconds2. Flashing amber light for 50seconds3. Steady amber light for 30seconds4. Steady amber light for 50seconds4-43. Grid posits are transmitted everyminute from the rendezvous area. Ifno corrective action is required,the grid posit should be transmittedcontinually until the wave is whatdistance from the beach?1. 100 yd2. 200 yd3. 300 yd4. 400 yd4-44. When the wave commander fails toreceipt for orders by radio, theprimary control ship will continueto transmit the orders and requestvisual acknowledgement.1. True2. False4-45. What signal should you send torequest that the boat groupcommander slow down the wave?1. RR2. SS3. TT4. VV4-46. The OOD sent you the followingmessage to transmit: Wave two gridposit is in the right portion of theboat lane 2000 from the beach attime 15 and is to slow down. Whatsignal should you transmit?1. 2GPR2015TT2. 2GPR20T153. 2GPR2000T15TT4. 2GPR20T15TT4-47. You are informed to send thefollowing signal to wave 5 usingquiet landing procedures by flashinglight: vector left 20° and make 6knots. What signal should you send?1. 5L62. 5L263. 5LL64. 56LLQUESTIONS 4-48 THROUGH 4-60 PERTAIN TOAIRCRAFT AND SHIP IDENTIFICATION.4-48. Which of the following is NOT acharacteristic of the twin andmultiengined aircraft?1. The widest part of the fuselageis near the center2. The wings have less surface areathan most aircraft3. The engines are suspended fromthe wings4. The wings are angled back,inboard to outboard22

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