Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association


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4-64.4-65.Grades assigned to exercises at thecritique are classed as what type?1. Final2. Objective3. Tentative4. UniformIf better performance is the goal ofall training, which of the followingis the most important information tobe gained at the critique?1. The deficiencies of procedures2. The manner in which the exerciseship performed the exercise3. The errors committed by themembers of the exercise ship4. The recommendations forimprovement of material andpersonnel performances4-69.4-70.You are reporting aboard a new shipas the leading <strong>Signalman</strong>. In orderto get your way of doing thingsacross to you personnel, what shouldyou issue? ordersWritten orders without verbalexplanationWritten orders with verbalexplanation without signaturesWritten orders with verbalorders and signatures ofunderstanding from all personnelIt would be a good idea to reviewstanding orders written by apredecessor before you take over.1. True2. False4-66.4-67.4-68.You are evaluating the communicationexercise CCC-15-SF and you observe areportable security violation. Whataction should you take?1. Subtract five credit points2. Mark exercise unsatisfactory,assign grade, and continue tonext exercise3. Mark exercise unsatisfactory,assign no numerical grade, andterminate4. Mark exercise satisfactory butsubtract 15 pointsWhat exercise are you grading thatrequires the combined effort ofsignal and radio personnel toresearch operation orders andcommunication plans to complete theoperation?1. CCC-15-SF2. CCC-16-SF3. CCC-17-SF4. CCC-27-SFWhat publication should you consultprior to changing from peacetimecommunications to wartimecommunication procedures?1. ATP 1, Vol. II2. FXP 33. NTP 44. NWP 44-71.4-72.4-73.How are orders for the organization,administration, and function of thesignal bridge prepared? the rough by the divisionofficerIn the rough by the leading<strong>Signalman</strong>Without the signature of anofficerWithout agreement from theoperation departmentorganization bookYou are instructed to prepare anoperation order. What publicationshould you use to locate thestandard approved format?1. NWP 112. NWP 22-33. NWP 504. NWIP 50What section of an Oporder isconcise and contains only detailsnecessary for a clear, overallpicture of the operation?1. Annexes2. Appendixes3. Tabs4. Basic plan24

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