Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association


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on voice radio, and hoist flag “OSCAR” by day, andflash O to ships astern both day and night.The ship is to put the rudder over to avoid strikingthe person; she also will not try to pick the overboardperson up. The last ship in the column will try to pickup the person. The escort forces will also try to pickup the person.PORT EXAMINATION SERVICEIn certain circumstances, it may be necessary fornational authorities to control the entrance of shipsinto certain ports. The signals in figure 7-4 should bedisplayed by signal stations or by port examinationservice vessels.Examination-service vessels will, in addition, flyby day a distinguishing flag (fig. 7-5).COMMUNICATION CONFERENCESLEARNING OBJECTIVES: Explain the,purpose of the convoy communication and<strong>Signalman</strong> conferences.SIGNALREDREDREDGREENGREENGREENGREENGREENWHITEGREENWHITEGREENMEANINGFIXED—Do not proceed/Port is closedFLASHING— Emergency. Do notproceed/port is closedPort is openYou may proceedOne-way trafficPort is openYou may proceedTwo-way trafficPort is openYou may only proceed when orderedto do soFigure 7-4.—Port traffic signals.Uniformity of communications procedures is ofthe utmost importance in convoy communications.General communications instructions, radio and radarwatches, electronic emissions, communicationssecurity policies, and recognition and identificationare the minimum that should be covered by allcommunications personnel prior to a convoy sailing.CONVOY COMMUNICATIONCONFERENCEThe NCSO will arrange a conference to beattended by merchant ship radio officers, navalcommunication officers, and senior rating. It willnormally take place immediately after the convoyconference and will deal with convoy communicationsin detail.CONVOY SIGNALMANCONFERENCEThis conference is normally held after thecommunication conference for Signalmen.The communications officer conducting theconference will ensure that Signalmen are familiar withvisual signaling used in convoys, especially executivemethod signaling, identification procedures, andprocedures for sending signals.Figure 7-5—Examination-service flag.SUMMARYIn this chapter you learned how to communicate ina convoy using radiotelephone, flashing light andflaghoist. You learned the function of the convoyorganization, including that of the OCA, CDSORG, andthe NCSORG. You learned about the different convoyformations and how to change guides. You learned aboutthe port examination services and communicationconferences. Review this chapter frequently to becomefamiliar with convoy communication. To become evenmore knowledgable, study ATP 2, volume II.7-10

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