Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association


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Figure 9-22.—Pilot vessel, under way.an all-round white light at a level lower than the lightin the forepart of the vessel. Rule 30 applies here.NOTEA vessel less that 50 meters may substituteone white light where best seen. A vessel100 meters or greater is required to illuminateits decks.Towing VesselsThere are various light signals for towing (fig.9-24). We will discuss a few in the followingparagraphs.LESS THAN 50 METERS.—A power-drivenvessel less than 50 meters that is towing astern and thelength of the tow does not exceed 200 meters isrequired to display two masthead lights, sidelights,and a yellow-over-white sternlight.GREATER THAN 50 METERS.—A powerdrivenvessel greater than 50 meters that is towingastern and the length of tow does not exceed 200meters is required to display two masthead lights, anafter masthead light, sidelights, and a yellow-overwhitesternlight.LESS THAN 50 METERS, TOW EXCEEDS200 METERS.—A vessel less than 50 meters that istowing astern with the length of tow exceeding 200meters must display three masthead lights, sidelights,and a yellow-over-white sternlight. The dayshapedisplay will be a DIAMOND.TOWING, RESTRICTED MOVEMENT.—Avessel unable to deviate from its course and the lengthof tow does not exceed 200 meters is to display twomasthead lights, sidelights, a yellow-over-whitesternlight, and the light signal RED-WHITE-RED.The dayshape display will be BALL-DIAMOND-BALL and a DIAMOND.When the length of tow exceeds 200 meters, thevessel is to display three masthead lights, sidelights, ayellow-over-white sternlight, and the light signalRED-WHITE-RED. The dayshape display will be thesame as above. Rule 24 applies here.Not-Under-Command LightsA vessel not under command (fig. 9-25) shoulddisplay the following lights: RED-RED displayedvertically, sidelights, and a sternlight. The sidelightsand sternlight are only displayed when making waythrough the water. The dayshape signal for a vessel notunder command is two black balls displayedvertically. Rule 27 applies here.9-23

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