Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association


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The following steps are required to place the MK37 NVS in operation:1. Place the power switch in the ON position.2. Press your eye against the monocular lenseyeshield flap and view the image, or view theimage with both eyes through the binoculareyepiece.3. Adjust the diopter ring to create a sharp reticleimage.4. Adjust the focus ring for a clear image of theobject desired.AN/PVS-8The AN/PVS-8 (fig. 2-17) is a portable,shipboard-mounted, battery-operated NVS used forlong-range surveillance. The unit uses the mountingsystem common to the Mk 37 NVS. An eye shield isused to prevent the visible light emitted from theeyepiece from being externally visible on theoperator's face. Power is provided by two 1.5V AAbatteries with a life of 60 hours. Magnification of theunit is 6.2X with a 4.7-degree field of view. As withother NVSs, an internal image intensifier tubeamplifies available light such as moonlight, starlight,and skyglow, so the scene becomes visible to theoperator. An automatic brightness control is providedto automatically maintain the viewed sceneillumination contrast during periods of changing lightlevel conditions. The manual gain control (tubebrightness) will not function when the automaticbrightness control is in operation. The imageFigure 2-17.—AN/PVS-8 long range night vision sight.intensifier tube also has protection fromhigh-intensity, short-duration flashes of light.OPERATIONSetup and operation of the AN/PVS-8 is similar tothe Mk 37; actions required prior to installation are asfollows:1. Relieve air pressure inside the carrying case bypressing the core of the relief valve, beforereleasing the latches.2. Release all case latches and remove the cover.3. Inventory and inspect the contents to ensurethey are ready for installation.Setup of the NVS consists of mounting the sighton the appropriate operational location and installingthe batteries. Remove the NVS from the storage case.Secure the pintle in the bracket and locking assembly.Rotate the TUBE BRIGHTNESS control switch fullycounterclockwise to the OFF position. Insert thebatteries and replace the battery cap. The sight is nowready for operation.CAUTIONDo not leave the batteries in the equipmentduring storage, or corrosivedamage may result.Do not remove the cover in daylight.The following steps are required to place theAN/PVS in operation:1. Rotate the TUBE BRIGHTNESS controlclockwise to turn on the NVS.2. Press your face against the eyeguard and viewthe image.3. Adjust the TUBE BRIGHTNESS control to thesetting that provides good target to backgroundcontrast.4. Adjust the range focus ring for a clear image ofthe object desired.Now that you have the sights operational, youmust learn scanning procedures. A well-trainedoperator will see more than an inexperienced one.Targets that are readily identifiable by a trainedobserver will invariably escape detection by the2-16

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