Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association


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Battle speed (ALFA)“TWO BLUE ONE, THIS IS GRID POSITCHARLIE ONE ZERO. BATTLE SPEED.BATTLE SPEED. OVER.”Touchdown report (wave) (channel ALFA)", THIS IS TWO BLUE ONE. TOUCHDOWN,TOUCHDOWN, TOUCHDOWN. OVER.”Touchdown reports (control group net)", THIS IS . TWO BLUE ONETOUCHDOWN. LATE ONE QUARTER. OVER.”Governing NotesThe following governing notes are to be usedwhen communicating to waves:, where appearing, indicates daily changingCall signs.The shift to channel ALFA can be ordered byPCS when desired, but no later than when boatwaves cross the LOD. If no channel shift orderis given, boat waves will automatically shift tochannel ALFA upon crossing the LOD.Amphibious assault vehicle (AAV) wavesrequire an intention statement from PCS whenPCS takes positive control.A full call-up is required for all transmissions toensure that the proper wave received theinformation. When ordering courses to boatwaves, make sure they are given in magneticdegrees.All reports to the CCO should include a timestatus. Fractions of minutes are spokenone-quarter, one-half, three-quarters, and soforth.Because many boat compasses are unreliable, itis best to change the course of boats by vectorsof 10 degrees to 30 degrees instead of courseheadings. To minimize the initial error andconsequent loss of time, the BGC, ABGC, andall BWCs should check and compare theirmagnetic compass headings with the PCS whiletransmitting from the wave-forming circles tothe landing craft rendezvous area. Vectors maybe given at any time to maintain a wave'sposition in the boat lane center. However,vectors should be held to 10 degrees or less inthe surf zone for boat safety.Waves outside the boat lanes must be vectoredto regain boat lane positioning.Prior to the order for BS, speed changes may begiven at any time to keep waves on time. Speedchanges must be ordered when waves are earlyor late 2 minutes or more.BS must be ordered at the 1,000-yard mark.Even if a wave is doing maximum speed beforethe 1,000-yard mark, the order “BATTLESPEED” is still mandatory at that time.Note that all information transmissions end inOUT and those directing waves to perform aduty end in OVER. If at any time you desire awave to acknowledge receipt of information,end the transmission with OVER, thus requiringan answer.Dispatched orders are not required if waves havebeen shifted to channel ALFA or the shift tochannel ALFA upon each wave’s crossing LODis provided for in the OPORDER or prebrief.VISUAL PROCEDURES FORTRANSMITTING GRID POSITIONSLEARNING OBJECTIVE: Explain proceduresfor visually transmitting grid positions.Grid positions by flashing light or Nancy willnormally be preceded only by flashing the wavenumber. However, if confusion would result fromtransmitting into different numbered boat lanes ordifferent colored beach lanes, it will be necessary tomodify the call accordingly. For example, to call thewave commander of Wave Three, Blue Beach Two,the normal call-up is the numeral 3. If confusion wouldresult, and it is therefore necessary to send thecomplete call, the call is transmitted as numeral 3,Blue, numeral 2. The control ship, after establishingcommunications with the wave commander, thentransmits the grid position.The wave commander receipts for each group byflashing a T with his or her signal equipment andreceipts for the message with the usual R.Visual grid positions and information aretransmitted by control ships using the procedures inthe following paragraphs.After the wave call-up, insert the group GP. Thisacts as a proword and alerts the receiver that a gridposition is to follow.12-21

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