Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association


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This section discusses the duties and organizationof control personnel and the procedures forcoordinating the various ships for an amphibiousoperation.CENTRAL CONTROLOFFICER (CCO)The CCO is designated by the CATF for overallcoordination of the waterborne assault. This officer isembarked on the control ship, and his/herresponsibilities include the following:Planning and supervising the waterborneship-to-ship movementOrganizing the Navy control group to supportthe ATF landing planMaintaining liaison with the tactical air officer(TAO)Maintaining liaison with the tactical logistics(TACLOG) groupASSISTANT CENTRAL CONTROLOFFICER (ACCO)An ACCO may be designated if the scope of theoperation requires it. He/she embarks in anappropriate ship or craft and coordinates, as necessary,the movement of landing craft, amphibious vehicles,and landing ships in his/her designated area.PRIMARY CONTROL OFFICER (PCO)A PCO is designated for each colored beach andis responsible for the following:Providing detailed plans, called PCOinstructions, to conduct the ship-to-shoremovement for amphibious assaults orwithdrawals across a colored beachMaintaining current location and status of allships, landing craft, and boats assigned toconduct the landing on the assigned beachMonitoring surf conditions and weatherpredictions and recommending the terminationof boating when conditions warrantMaintaining the status of debarkation orembarkationLanding scheduled waves at the correct beach atthe specified timeArranging for fueling boats and providing restand food for boat crewsProviding liaison to the surfaceborne RLTTACLOG detachmentConducting assault craft salvage operationsCoordinating the employment of landing shipsand craft within his or her area of responsibilityfollowing the initial assaultSECONDARY CONTROL OFFICER (SCO)The SCO embarks in the secondary control ship(SCS) and is a principal assistant to the PCO. The SCSis assigned a fixed point station on the LOD orunderway sector in the vicinity of the PCS; SCO\SCSduties include the following:Maintaining duplicate control records and plotsrequired of the PCO and PCSMonitoring PCO radio circuitsControlling the waterborne ship-to-shoremovement over a numbered colored beach whentwo or more numbered beaches are designatedfor colored beachAssuming PCO and PCS duties in an emergencyBOAT GROUP COMMANDER (BGC)The BGC is embarked in an LCPL displaying theZERO flag over the beach flag and is under the tacticalcontrol of the PCO. The BGC is thoroughly briefed onthe approach schedule; assault wave, landing area, andtransport area diagrams; and weather conditions; andis responsible for the following:Maintaining discipline within the boat groupMaintaining proper wave positions in therendezvous areaLeading the first displacement landing craftwave from the rendezvous or underway launcharea to the surf zoneControlling waterborne traffic off the beachAfter the last scheduled wave has landed, the BGCassumes the duties as the traffic control officer (TCO)for the beach.12-9

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