Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association


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ASSIGNMENT 2Textbook Assignment: "Allied Communications Procedures," "Allied Flaghoist Procedures,""International Signaling," and "Convoy Communications," chapters 4through 7, pages 4-30 through 7-20.2-1.2-2.2-3.2-4.You received a message containing 28groups from the flagship. Whatsignal should you send to requestrepetition of the sixth group?1. IMI 6 K2. 6 IMI K3. G 6 K4. 6 G KWhat signal should you send torequest repetition of the fourth andsixth to ninth group?1. IMI 4-6-9 K2. IMI 4-9 K3. IMI 4-6 to 9 K4. IMI 4 to 6-9 KThe OOD may authorize a verificationof a message originated by theengineering officer.1. True2. FalseThe executive method ofcommunication is used when the OTCdesires that ships in companyexecute a signal at what time?2-7. If an aircraft is unable to receiptfor a flashing light message byflashing light, what action shouldthe pilot take?1. Open and close the throttle2. Rock his/her wings3. Use voice radio4. Give the thumbs up sign2-8. What equipment is needed tocommunicate with non-directionalinfrared?1. Yardarm blinkers2. Daylight signaling lantern3. AN/SAT-24. Searchlight fitted with anH-hood2-9. To alert a ship by flashing lightthat you are about to transmit asemaphore message, what signalshould you send?1. SEM2. SEMAPHORE3. STANDBY SEM4. STANDBY SEMAPHORE1. As soon as understood2. At stated intervals3. At the same time4. At random intervals2-5. Request for repetitions,corrections, or verifications of thetext of signals taken from a navalsignal book must be for the entiretext, or for those portionsseparated by TACK.1. True2. False2-6. The immediate executive method isnot used during daylight whensignaling two or more ships, unlessthe ship is fitted with whatequipment?1. AN/KAS-12. AN/SAT-23. Mk 37 Mod 34. DSL2-10. What special semaphore signal isused to prevent mistakes inreception, which might occur ifletters of adjacent groups are runtogether?1. The front sign2. The attention sign3. The numeral sign4. The separative sign2-11. When using the flaghoist method ofcalling, how should you indicate toa sending station that you can NOTreceive its semaphore message?1. By hoisting JULIETT2. By dipping JULIETT3. By hoisting ANSWER4. By dipping ANSWER2-12. What publication contains guidelinesfor pyrotechnic light, flare, androckets for international emergencysituations?1. ACP 1292. ACP 1683. ATP 2, volume II4. Pub 1Ø27

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