Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association

Signalman 1 & C - Historic Naval Ships Association


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their final movement to the beach. When landingbeaches are separated, each beach has its own LOD,which may be marked by a ship or ships of the controlorganization or by boats or buoys. In some landingsthe LOD may not be marked.Boat LanesBoat lanes extend seaward from the landing beachto the LOD. The length of the landing beachdetermines the width of the boat lane. The flanks ofthe boat lane may be marked at the LOD by a controlship, a marker boat, or a buoy.Approach LanesApproach lanes are extensions of the boat lanesfrom the LOD towards the transport area. They maybe terminated by marker ships, boats, or buoys.Adjacent approach lanes may be parallel or maydiverge seaward to provide for early dispersion of theassault waves. Approach lanes indicate the exactroutes for craft to use in approaching the LOD.IDENTIFICATION OFDEBARKATION STATIONSThere is a maximum of ten debarkation stations,five on the starboard side and five on the port side,each identified by color and number (odd-numbered,starboard; even-numbered, port). See figure 12-4.PROCEDURES FOR CALLINGBOATS ALONGSIDESignals are used to call boats and landing craftfrom the assembly areas to embark troops at thedebarkation stations.DayThe starboard and port yardarms are used to signalfor the starboard and port debarkation stations,respectively. The type of boat or craft is called to theInformation to Signal Day Signal Flag Night Signal LightsSides Starboard Port Use starboard yardarm Top GREEN lightUse port yardarm Top RED lightBoats and LCPL L FLAG Middle AMBER lightDisplacement LCU U FLAG Middle WHITE lightLanding Craft AAV T FLAG Middle AMBER light, flashingLCM 6 6 FLAG Middle BLUE lightLCM 8 8 FLAG Middle Green lightStations Color Starboard PortRED 1 2 REDFLAG Bottom RED lightWHITE 3 4 WHITEFLAG Bottom WHITE lightBLUE 5 6 BLUEFLAG Bottom BLUE lightYELLOW 7 8 YELLOW FLAG Bottom AMBER lightGREEN 9 10 GREEN FLAG Bottom GREEN lightWell Deck/Tank DeckNote: Paragraph A. 1.4. of NWP WHISKEY FLAG22 contains special signalsfor the LHA well deck.Top WHITE lightMiddle (type landing craftindicated by middle light marry upand enter well deck)Bottom WHITE lightNote: Turned off for calling singlelanding craft into well deckor to tank deckFigure 12-6.—Signals for calling boats and landing craft to debarkation stations.12-7

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