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Cotton wool and balloon blowing

Two teams compete against each other: They need to

move a cotton ball or a balloon with a straw over a certain

distance. At the end of the distance the straw is

handed over to the next player of the team. The fastest

team is the winner.

Name pantomime

Each child has to play his name as a pantomime, i.e.

representing each letter of the name with the pantomime.

Alex: A = apple, L = lion; E = elephant and X = xylophone

The other players need to guess the name. If the children

already know each other’s names, the entertainer

will whisper a person’s name in his ear and he plays this

name as a pantomime.

Master, master

“Meister, Meister, wir kommen aus dem Morgenland, die

Sonne hat uns braungebrannt. Meister, Meister, gib uns

Arbeit!” “Was habt ihr denn gelernt?”

Players present professions in mime.


All children are “blind” (blindfolded). The entertainer

secretly appoints one child to be a vampire, who is also

blind. Now all children start to move around in the

room. Once the vampire bangs into another child he

lets out a bloodthirsty yell, and the victim also becomes

a vampire and goes “hunting”. However if two vampires

bounce together, they become normal children again.

Play the game as long as the children enjoy it.

Water relay

Divide the children into two groups of the same size.

Then they line up behind each other. The first child of

each row gets a bucket filled up to the rim with water.

The buckets need to be passed from the front to the

end, without spilling too much water. The last child then

runs with bucket to the front and the game starts

anew. The entertainer will stop the game after some

rounds. The group with the most water in the bucket

wins this challenge. Some music in the background

completes the funny atmosphere.

Natural picture

The children look for little branches, leaves, stones etc.

in the close vicinity. Then they try to create a picture

with these materials. Use branches and stones to frame

the picture. Who can see what has been created. Also

suitable as competition!

Natural collection – a competition

Material: a list with items to be collected and found

Each child gets a list with ten different items to be collected

(found) in as short time as possible. The entertainer

gives the starting signal and all children try to

find their items. These items might be: A cone, a small

branch, seashells, sand, pebble stones, etc. Once the

first child has found all the items on its list, all other

children are called back to the starting point. Maybe a

whistle is required to do so. Now we count how many

items each child has found.

Animal race – a competition

Material: Pictures of animals, 2 jars

Make pictures of animals moving in a special way, i.e.

frog, snake, kangaroo, rabbit, caterpillar, etc. There

need to be two pictures of each animal. A picture of

each animal is put in each of the jars. Now divide the

children in two groups of the same size and line them

up at a starting point. Mark up a turning point in

approx. 20 m distance. Place the two jars at this turning

point. Once the starting signal is given the first player

of each group runs to the turning point, draws a picture

of his jar and moves back to his group like the animal

on his picture would move. Now it is the next player’s

turn. Which group will win?

The fooled conductor

Material: A blindfold, a thin stick

One child will be the conductor and needs to be blindfolded.

The other children stand around him in a circle.

Then the conductor starts conducting the other children

in one direction or the other with his baton, then

the children stop moving and the conductor points with

his baton to one child who starts singing a song with a

disguised voice. If the conductor guesses the child’s

name, this child will be the new conductor. If not, start

the next song!

Roll the ball

Material: A big ball, several smaller balls

Divide the children in two groups of the same size. The

groups line up at two lines which are approx. 10 meters

apart. A big ball is placed in the middle of the two lines.

Now the players need to move the big ball behind the

line of the other team. The ball shall be moved by throwing

the smaller balls against it.

This ball is for …

Material: Ball

One player throws the ball as high as he can in the air

and calls out the name of another player for whom this

ball is thought. This player now tries to catch the ball; if

Kids & Teens Club Manual 57

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