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Colouring the dough:

You can either use food colouring or elderberry juice

instead of the water. However these colours fade out

with baking, but it is more fun for the kids to work with

coloured dough. Children can also paint the baked

items, smaller kids may use water colours, and older

children can use acrylics.

Do not forget to make holes!

After baking the dough can easily break up, so do not

forget to make a hole in the little ones works, like this

they can hang it up and there will be no tears.

Wallpaper paste

Salt dough becomes even better when you use 2–3

spoons of wallpaper paste.

Building a box for secrets

You need two square sheets of paper that need to be

folded as described below. One sheet will be the bottom

the other the top of your box:

1. Fold two diagonals and then fold all four corners to

the middle.

2. Now you need to fold each corner again up the

middle of the newly created square.

3. Finally you bend the small corners inside, now you

have grid.

4. Now you need some scissors. Cut straight along the

arrows, do not cut too far.

5. Fold the upper right corner towards the middle and

put up the edge of the box. Do similar with the

lower left corner.

6. Nearly managed! Now you need to turn both edges

of the sides. This will make your secret box quite


7. If you wish to you can decorate the box with

stickers, wrapping paper, or even a warning:

“My secrets” or “Top secret!”

Make you own soap bubbles

Material: Bucket, cooking pot, 25 grams of wallpaper

paste, 3 litres of water, 110 grams sugar, 110 grams

neutral soap, thick wire, wool, 1 cork or sticky tape and



1. Dissolve the wallpaper paste in 1 litre water, stir and

leave it.

2. Poor the rest of the water, the sugar and the neutral

soap together in one pot, stir it and cook it. Let

stand over night.

3. Mix both liquids together the next day and stir well.

Then fill the mixture into bottles. You should use it

within one week.

4. Now take the wire a forma big loop, fix the two

ends on the cork. Wrap either wool or sticky tape

around the ends to form a handle.

5. Now you can make giant bubbles.

There is also an easier recipe:

225 ml washing liquid, 3 litres water, 1 spoon glycerine

Mix all ingredients and wait until it does not foam anymore.

Kids & Teens Club Manual 71

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