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Water hedgehog

Fill a plastic bag with water and tie it up. Then pinch

many small holes into the bag using a thin needle.

Throwing competition

One swim toy is placed at the edge of the pool. Children

try to hit it throwing balls or sponges.


The children need small fishing nets. Different objects

and animals (made of foam rubber, plastic, rubber etc.)

need to be caught with the net.

White Shark

Upon the signal of the entertainer all children jump

into the water and hide. One child is appointed to be

the white shark and jumps into the water, too, in order

to catch the other children. Children who have been

caught be the shark, swim to the edge of the pool. The

child being caught last is the next shark in the new

round. The game continues like before.

Spoon diving

The children are standing outside the pool with closed

eyes. The entertainer hides a number of spoons in the

pool. Upon the signal “ready, steady, go” the children

jump into the pool and try to dive for as many spoons

as possible. Before the game starts the entertainer

informs the children about the exact amount of spoons

hidden in the pool.

Swimming race

The entertainer organises two groups the same size and

with the same swimming skills. In different rounds the

children can collect points for their teams. Kids particularly

enjoy if the winners are being served by the losers

at the pool bar after the competition.

n Swimming contest from one end of the pool to the

other holding a balloon in one hand

n Swimming contest with life vests

n Swimming contest: Swimming to the other end, roll

the dice until you have six, and swim back

n Contest with a swimming noodle

n Contest with children surf boards

Water bomb relay

The children are divided into two groups and are standing

outside the pool at the edge. After a signal the

first child swims to the other side holding a water bomb

in his hand, from there it throws the bomb to the next

child on the opposite side. As soon as this child has

caught or found the water bomb it starts swimming.

And so on. Objective is that the water bomb does not

burst and all children successfully reach the other side.

Under water tunnel

The participants line up in the pool with straddled legs.

Then the last child in the row starts diving through the

others’ legs until reaching the first child standing in the

row and then it pads on the shoulder of the child

behind him who then passes on the signal etc. Only

when the last child got the signal it can start diving.

The first team being in the initial line up is the winner.


One child is appointed merman. He stands on the edge

outside the pool. The other players are standing on the

opposite side. Now the merman calls ”Who is afraid of

the merman?” The other answer: “Nobody”, the merman

asks “and if he comes?” and the others answer

“Then we swim away!” This is the final starting signal.

The children jump into the water, all kind of movement

is permitted to run away or catch the others: Swimming,

diving, running, hopping etc …) but the children

have to stay in the pool. The child, who is not caught

last, is the next merman.

Treasure diving

Some stones covered in aluminium foil are thrown in

the pool, mind to throw one stone less than there are

participants. All children are swimming in the pool waiting

for the starting sign of the entertainer. With the

signal the treasure hunt starts and all children dive for

the gemstones. The diver who could not get a stone

leaves the pool. Then the stones are thrown anew,

again one stone less than children in the water. The

game ends when there is only one diver left. This game

can also be played with coloured boccia balls which

float on the surface.

Water aerobics

The entertainer is in the pool with the children and

shows them different movements:

n walk from one side to the other, lifting the feet up


n circulate the arms forward and backward

n having a water fight

n all children move like water snakes, hop like water

fleas or dive like a fish

n all children fly like dragon flies, hop like frogs or sit

on the edge of the pool


Kids & Teens Club Manual

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