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1. What kind of animal is Benjamin Blümchen? -


2. What is his friend’s name? – Otto

3. In which city do Otto, Karl and Benjamin Blümchen

live? – Neustadt

4. How is zoo director called?- Mr. Tierlieb

5. Who is the racing reporter? – Karla Kolumne

6. Who can sing the Benjamin Blümchen song?

7. What does he wear? – green jacket and trousers

8. How is Bib Blocksbergs spell to fly on her broom? –

ene, mene, mei, flieg los Kartoffelbrei

9. What is the name of her mother Barbara’s broom? –


10. Who has long red hair and lives in the sea? – Arielle

11. Her dad is king. What is his name? – Triton

12. Arielle has two friends, what kind of animals are

they? – crab and fish

13. There is a mean witch living in the cave, what is her

name? – Ursula

Animal quiz

1. Where do polar bears live? – Arctic, North Pole

2. How many wings does a honey bee have? – 4

3. On which continent do kangaroos live? – Australia

4. It is first a caterpillar, and then becomes a …?

– Butterfly

5. What do bees produce? – honey

6. Which animal is known to be a pack animal – particularly

in the countries of Southern Europe? – donkey

7. How do you call the animals that lived million of

years ago? – dinosaurs

8. Which animal is most similar to the human being? –


9. What do penguins eat? – fish

10. Which animals help Santa to deliver the Christmas

presents? – reindeers

11. Do you know a song about a duck? – Ententanz

12. How is the film called that is about 101 dogs? – Dalmatian

13. What do mice carry in their holes for dinner? – cheese

14. What does a camel not need a lot of? – water

15. What material are elephants’ teeth? – ivory

16. What does the frog use to catch his prey? – tongue

17. What is the name for a male chicken? – cock

18. How do you call a horse’s feet? – hoofs

19. Which animal is related to the camel? – dromedary

20. Are the coloured ducks male or female? – male

21. Does each snake have a poison fang? – no

22. Which animal has the longest neck? – giraffe

23. Which animal has the most arms? – Octopus

24. After which animal is a crossing for pedestrians

named? – zebra

25. How many legs does a spider have? - 8

26. Which animals have pink legs? – flamingos

Fiddly jobs

Is that possible? Mona is visiting the zoo with somebody.

This person says: “It is really funny, you are my

only daughter, but I am not your mother!” Who is it? –

Her father

Funny family

A woman has five daughters, all being called Different.

How is this possible? – The family name is Different!

I see!

There are problems in the saloon: Jimmy riots and breaks

everything. The sheriff brings him into his office.

Then the door opens and the deputy sheriff comes in

with a man who was arrested after a bank robbery and

is called Johnny. He looks exactly like Jimmy. When

being interrogated it turns out that they were born at

the same place, at the same time and that they have

the same mother. Nevertheless they emphasise that

they are no twins. The sheriff does not understand it

anymore. How can that be true? – Jimmy and Johnny

are not twins, but triplets. Their other brother stayed at


Not for maths teachers!

What do you get if you add 1000 grams and 100 centimetres?

A kilo-meter!

What is this?

I know something, it has only one leg. It has wings, but

can not fly. Each human being has one. Often is wears

glasses, but can not see. Sometimes it runs, but does

not move a centimetre. – The nose.

Kids & Teens Club Manual 67

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