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Carrot pulling

All children lie on the floor and strongly link arms with

each other. They need to lie really close together; there

shall not be a gap between them. They are the carrots.

One entertainer is the farmer. Now he tries to pull out

the “carrots” at their feet. While doing so he tells the

children stories to distract them. As soon as the first

carrot is pulled out, the other children need to close the

gap quickly. The farmer(s) need to wait. The harvested

carrot now becomes a farmer too and helps pulling out

the carrots. It is important to emphasise that the children

shall not pull grapping the others joints or even

jewellery, if one child calls out STOP, it means STOP!

Then move on to another carrot and try to harvest this

one. The last remaining pair of carrots is the winner.


Can be played on the playground, one child is the ticker

and needs to catch the other children. If these are standing

or sitting on some play equipment (i.e. not on the

floor) they can not be ticked.

Chain ticking

As before one ticker needs to catch the other children,

children who been ticked then hold the ticker’s hand

and start building a chain. Then they continue catching

other children. The chain is not supposed to break!


Organise four teams

n on the floor (always two team sit opposite each


n One bucket of water is placed in the middle.

n The child in front holds a spoon in his hand

n Behind the last child is a cup

n With the starting signal the first children start filling

water on their spoon and pass the spoon to the back.

The last child in the row fills the remaining water in

the cup.

n The spoon is passed to front again and the first child

now takes the position of the last child.

n The team whose front man is back in the front first is

the winner, but it is also important that there is some

water in the cup!

Balancing a tea spoon on the nose

is also a great competition for children.

Do not forget to slightly breathe on them before the

start of the game.

Rainbow game

The catcher is on one side, the other players are standing

on the other. The players ask the catcher: “Rainbow

catcher, which colour is shining today?” Then the

catcher nominates a colour. If he calls back: „Today

green is shining!” he is not allowed to catch any children

wearing clothes with the colour green. (Only visible

clothes are meant, no underwear). The children start

running to the other side of the field, and the catcher

needs to try those who are not wearing any green.

He can run forwards and to the sides, but not backwards.

Children who have been caught help the

catcher. The child remaining at the end will be the

new catcher.

Seashell balancing

Place a seashell on the child’s forehead, then the child

needs to run, still with the seashell on the forehand to

the child opposite it and hand the shell over.


Goal shooting – entertainer might be goal keeper

n Long distance shooting

n Trick – shoot the ball with the head

(use a light, blown up ball)

Balloon volleyball

Fix a thread between two trees and divide the children

in two teams. When the balloon lands on the floor of

one team, the other team gets a point. Best is to fill the

balloon with a little water, then it does not fly totally


Shoe golf

Distribute several numbered papers (A4 or minimum

post card size) in the environment (playground, sport

fields). Determine a starting point from which the children

start hitting the ball (table tennis, bouncy ball) with

the heel of their shoe towards the numbered papers.

The shoe might either be worn on the foot or hold in

the hand.

Water volleyball

Stretch a rope / net over the middle of the pool. Organise

two teams like at volleyball. Now the ball needs to

be hit over the net. If the ball lands in the water, the

other team gets a point.

Blind volleyball

This game is to be played like normal volleyball; the difference

is that the net is covered with old bed linens or

similar. This sounds really simple, but in fact it is quite

confusing and really funny. Nobody can see when and

from where the ball comes. Alternative: The ball can

only played over the net using a towel. Always two children

play together.


Kids & Teens Club Manual

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