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الناصب هو من أظهر المعاداة لألئمة المعصومين أو لبعضهم

A Nāṣib is a person who displays enmity for the infallible Imāms or for

some of them. 1

And Jawwād al-Tabrīzī 2 says:

الناصب هو الذي يظهر العداوة لهل البيت

A Nāṣib is a person who expresses hatred for the Ahl al-Bayt. 3

The fact of the matter, however, is that this definition is against what is reported

from the Imāms of the Shīʿah. Because there is not a single narration, not even a

single statement of their early scholars, with the exception of al-Ṣadūq, 4 which

links Naṣb to hatred and enmity.

But what prompted these scholars to take this stance is the following three


Firstly, taking into consideration the literal meaning of Naṣb which has passed


Secondly, hatred is suitable a reason to be the basis of that Naṣb the bearer

of which, as appears in many of their narrations, is excommunicated by their

Imāms, due to it being associated with the denial of what is categorically known

1 Kalimah al-Taqwā 6/309.

2 A contemporary Shīʿī scholar. I did not come across his biography in the books in have at my


3 Ṣirāṭ al-Jannah 2/413.

4 Muḥammad ibn ʿAlī ibn al-Ḥusayn ibn Mūsā al-Qummī. An Imāmī scholar and one of their

prominent ḥadīth masters. He is known as Ibn Bābawayh. He was born in 306 A.H. He settled in Ray

where he earned acclaim. He passed away in Ray in 381 A.H. He wrote close to three hundred books,

some being: al-Iʿtiqādāt, Man lā Yaḥḍuruhū al-Faqīh, ʿIlal al-Sharāʾiʿ wa al-Aḥkām. See: Tārīkh Baghdād 3/89;

Siyar Aʿlām al-Nubalāʾ 16/303; Nawābigh al-Ruwāt fī Rābiʿah al-Miʾāt p. 287; al-Aʿlām 6/274.


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