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Likewise when one of the poets said:

لو شق قلبي لرأو وسطه

الشرع والتوحيد في جانب

سطرين قد خطا بال كاتب

وحب أهل البيت في جانب

If my heart is split apart they will see in the centre of it two lines written

without a writer.

The Sharīʿah and Tawḥīd on the one side and love for the Ahl al-Bayt on

the other side. 1

Yūsuf al-Baḥrānī 2 refuted his claim with the following:

كذبت في دعواك يا شافعي

بل حب أسياخك في جانب

عبدتم الجبت وطاغوته

فالشرع والتوحيد في معزل

فلعنة الله على الكاذب

وبغض أهل البيت في جانب

دون اإلله الواحد الواجب

عن معشر النصاب يا ناصبي

You have lied in you claim, O Shāfiʿī. So may the curse of Allah be upon

the liar.

Rather the love of your scholars is on one side, and hatred for the Ahl al-

Bayt is on the other.

You have worshipped the Jibt and its Ṭāghūt instead of worshipping the

one eternal being.

As a result, the Sharīʿah and the oneness of Allah is aloof from the

congregation of the Nāṣibīs, O Nāṣibī. 3

1 Yatīmah al-Dahr 3/310; al-Istiqṣā li Akhbār Duwal al-Maghrib al-Aqṣā 1/113; Mawāqif al-Shīʿah 3/26;

Aḥmad Maḥmūd Ṣubḥī: al-Zaydiyyah p. 182.

2 Yūsuf ibn Aḥmad ibn Ibrāhīm al-Darāzī al-Baḥrānī, from the family of Āl ʿUṣfūr. An Imāmī jurist

who hails from Bahrain. He was born in 1107. He was an Akhbārī (the opposite of Uṣūlī. It refers

to a group of the Shīʿah that stringently follow the source texts without applying reason). Due to

this a severe conflict ensued between him and his contemporaries. He died in Karbalāʾ in 1186 A.H.

Some of his works are: al-Ḥadāʾiq al-Nāḍirah, Anīs al-Musāfir which is known as Kashkūl and al-Durrah

al-Najafiyyah. See: al-Aʿlām 8/215; Aʿyān al-Shīʿah 10/317; Muʿjam al-Muʾallifīn 13/268.

3 Mawāqif al-Shīʿah 3/26.


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