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I do not know which of the two blessings are greater for me: Allāh E

guiding me to Islam or him not making me a Ḥarūrī (a Khārijī). 1

Their threat was so impending that a person was compelled, after seeing that his

son was inclining toward the opinions of the Khawārij, to detain him and confine

him out of the fear that he will join them. 2

Due to their very early emergence, the Ṣaḥābah M who had lived to see them

had a very stern position in countering them, as opposed to the Nawāṣib who did

not excommunicate him and who only openly came to the fore much later; they

were tackled by the Ṣaḥābah M who remained to see their time.

Nonetheless, they had countered the Khawārij in various ways, some being:

1. Narrating Aḥādīth which condemn the Khawārij and exhort fighting

them 3

These aḥādīth are authentic and plenty, as Imām Aḥmad has said:

صح الحديث في الخوارج من عشرة أوجه

The ḥadīth regarding the Khawārij is authentically established in ten

different ways. 4

In fact the narrations about them have reached the extent of Tawātur

(incontrovertibleness) according to the scholars of ḥadīth. Ibn Kathīr says:

الخبار بقتال الخوارج متواترة عن رسول الله لن ذلك من طرق تفيد القطع عند أئمة هذا الشأن

1 Muṣannaf ʿAbd al-Razzāq 10/153; al-Ṭabaqāt al-Kubrā 7/114; Firyābī: al-Qadr 257; Tahdhīb al-Kamāl


2 Al-Bidāyah wa al-Nihāyah 6/167; al-Iṣābah fī Tamyīz al-Ṣaḥābah 5/359.

3 See some of these narrations in the book al-Khawārij, Dirāsah wa Naqd li Madhhabihim p. 28.

4 Majmūʿ Fatāwā Shaikh al-Islām 3/279, 28/512; Kitāb al-Nubuwwāt p. 139.


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