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Nonetheless, by analysing the following aspects, the position of the Abbasids

regarding Naṣb becomes determinable:

1. The stance of the Abbasids regarding ʿAlī I

The Umayyads and the Abbasids have differed tremendously regarding their

positions regarding ʿAlī I. Whilst we find that many of the Umayyads were

disillusioned with him, whether it was because they assumed he played a role

in the murder of ʿUthmān I or they criticised his Khilāfah, etc., the Abbasids

stood starkly different; they revered him, held him in high esteem and deemed

his Khilāfah to be legitimate.

The Abbasids felt no qualms in naming their children ʿAlī who later on even

became rulers, as opposed to the Umayyads. 1

Some of the Abbasid rulers have also lauded him in their poetry of. Hence one of

them says:

ول عجبا لألسد إن ظفرت بها

فحربة وحشي سقت حمزة الردي ملجم

كالب العادي من فصيح وأعجم

وموت علي من حسام ابن ملجم

It is no surprise if the dogs of the enemies, Arabs and non-Arabs, get hold

of the lion.

The spear of Waḥshī made Ḥamzah drink of death, and the death of ʿAlī

was from the sword of Ibn Muljim. 2

Due to the reverence they held for ʿAlī I, their clash with those of the Alawids

who revolted against them did not prompt them to disrespect him, criticise him

regarding his Dīn and his knowledge, and denounce his leadership; 3 despite all

1 Tārīkh al-Khulafāʾ p. 376.

2 Siyar Aʿlām al-Nubalāʾ 19/563; Ṭabaqāt al-Shāfiʿiyyah al-Kubrā 7/258; al-Wāfī bi al-Wafayāt 24/16; Tārīkh

al-Khulafāʾ p. 434.

3 Al-Bidāyah wa al-Nihāyah 10/42.


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