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Therefore some of them have accused Ibn Ḥibbān al-Bustī 1 of Naṣb because

he says the following regarding ʿAlī al-Riḍā: 2

يروي عن أبيه العجائب

كأنه كان يهم ويخطئ

He narrates strange things from his father. It is as if he would forget and

falter. 3


Opposing the Shīʿah.

They say that whoever hates the Shīʿah or opposes them only does so

due to them loving the Ahl al-Bayt, following them, and giving them

preference over others. Hence they narrate the following report from

Jaʿfar al-Ṣādiq: 4

1 Muḥammad ibn Ḥibbān ibn Aḥmad ibn Ḥibbān al-Tamīmī, Abū Ḥātim al-Bustī. The supreme scholar

of Khorasan and one of the great retainers of ḥadīth. He took ḥadīth from more than two thousand

scholars. He was a vessel of knowledge in jurisprudence, language, ḥadīth, and imparting advices. He

was very intelligent. He passed away in Bust in 354 A.H. Some of his books are: al-Anwāʿ wa al-Taqāsīm,

Tārīkh al-Thiqāt and Kitāb al-Majrūḥīn. See: Siyar Aʿlām al-Nubalāʾ 16/92; Lisān al-Mīzān 5/112; Ṭabaqāt

al-Ḥuffāẓ p. 375; Shadharāt al-Dhahab 3/16.

2 ʿAlī ibn Mūsā ibn Jaʿfar al-Hāshimī, Abū al-Ḥasan al-Madanī. The head of the ʿAlawiyyīn in his time.

He was accorded the title ‘al-Riḍā’. He was born in Madīnah in 148 A.H. Maʾmūn’s immense respect for

him led him to appoint al-Riḍā as the next Khalīfah after him and engrave his name on the Dirhams

and Dinars which were in circulation at that time. The Imāmiyyah consider him to be their eighth

Imām. He passed away in 202 A.H according to the popular narration. See: Wafayāt al-Aʿyān 3/269; Siyar

Aʿlām al-Nubalāʾ 9/387; Mīzān al-Iʿtidāl 5/191; al-Tuḥfah al-Laṭīfah 2/302.

3 Kitāb al-Majrūḥīn 2/106. See the book Nafaḥāt al-Azhār 15/305 to locate this accusation.

4 Jaʿfar ibn Muḥammad ibn ʿAlī ibn al-Ḥusayn al-Hāshimī, Abū ʿAbd Allah al-Madanī. A scholar from

the high ranking scholars of the Tābiʿīn (successors). He was born in Madīnah in 80 A.H. He was the

head of the ʿAlawiyyīn in his time. He was accorded the title al-Ṣādiq and is considered the sixth Imām

of the Shīʿah. He passed away in Madīnah in 148 A.H. Al-Bukhārī has narrated his narrations in al-Adab

al-Mufrad. His narrations also appear in Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim and the four Sunans. See: Tahdhīb al-Kamāl 5/74;

Siyar Aʿlām al-Nubalāʾ 6/255; Tārīkh al-Islām 9/88; Tahdhīb al-Tahdhīb 2/88.


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